Wednesday, March 08, 2006

OMG my favour food stall is follow the wind... niak harge of 50cents leh... aiks... almost all food stall around my house area is naik harge... is MORE THAN 5%... really disappointed with this...

thought government already ordered the price increased more than 5% will get punished... Wo... Wo...

but back to TV news, saw a lots of emforment officer checking the price... hope that they fast fast come to Genting kelang Jalan Prima Setapak... identified food stall are:
Boh Boh Hawker centre
The Sky Hawker centre
The Only One Hawker centre
Peng Ling Hawker centre

For the mamak shop, i dun have any ideo of this... have not buy anything from mamak yet... hope that they are not follow the wind...

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