PropertyTalk & Lifestyle Malaysia - Facebook group
They are in their 20's and they are already having properties under their belt! Get a copy of today's pullout to find out who they are and what are their secrets! #PropertyTimes
Remark: It's already an old news. Anyways, it's was in my draft, so it's better than never post to promote the facebook group. Welcome everyone to join the PropertyTalk & Lifestyle Malaysia Facebook Group. :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Almond Butter @ KL - Level checks
Wednesday evening was received the almond butter and I did not consume it immediately. I was spending time to stir, stir and stir for almost 30 minutes before my hand decided to stop.
Stored in the fridge and took out on yesterday (Thursday) morning and bring it to office. This is to poison some of my healthy colleagues and one of them who informed me about Almond Butter which he never taste before.
In office pantry, I continue to stir before paste on the bread...
This photo was taken after few pastes to bread... It's totally different from peanut butter. I continue to stir whenever i have time! The bottom part are still hard...
Sharing my Almond butter with colleagues... They love it. I feel happy can share this with them.
End of the day, my almond butter is quite "Laku" haha... Guess that's all about my healthy colleagues who trying. The other non-healthy colleagues never bother wanted to try the almond butter...
On other hand, my colleague who intro almond butter to me looked at the nutrition label, he was surprise almond butter able to give 4g of "dietary fiber which is very good and there's hardly anything can offer such high dietary fiber, unless you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Okay, I'm really not well in nutrition facts and use but will google and continue to improve my nutrition.
Happy Friday!
Almond Butter,
Sharing Favourite
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Almond Butter in KL
Hello, Hello Malaysians...If you're looking for almond butter in KL, yes, you have come to right place.
Yesterday, until yesterday I was lost and give up on the search for the almond butter in KL.
But all the suddenly my friend tweeted me saying that there's a shop is selling Almond Butter but currently out-of-stock! At least i know there's a shop in KL is selling Almond Butter.
Subsequently, my friend messaged me that the shop still have 3 bottles of almond butter in store! Hoorey... But i was shock on the pricing. Digesting the price shock and finally I asked my friend to help me buy almond butter for me. She was buying from Country Farm @ Bangsar Villege as she working nearby.
Thank you, Jo.
Now you know there's a shop selling almond butter. :)
Good luck on your hunting for almond butter in KL.
Almond Butter,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Royal Selangor Pewter @ 24 July 2011
On a bright Sunshine Sunday. It's was BHP Orange Run 2011 in the morning and I achieved my personal best timing for 11 KM which was sub-1 timing ---> 58mins 40 second.
After the morning race, I'm free. Im got no date. I got nothing to do. I done all my laundry. I done all my ironing.
It's just another lazy Sunday. Suddenly Royal Selangor Pewter (RS) sparked in my mind. Oh yeah, I need to re-stock my Royal Selangor postcards!
I'm visiting Royal Selangor Pewter again. The last time visiting RS was about one month ago.
Royal Selangor now have changed their theme! It's Mooncake festival ! It's very nice!
Initially was planning just to get postcards and leave, but somehow, my feel telling me that I should stay a litter bit longer at Royal Selangor.
So i stayed back.
Enjoying the Long Black Coffee.
Loving the black coffee... Loving it...
Actually I had my lunch before visiting Royal Selangor but somehow the kids sit beside me were having Roasted Chicken & chips. The smell of roasted chicken were calling me!
At first, I'm able to ignore the smell... the craving.
But as time getting longer and the smell still flying to my nose, I gave up. I went to counter and ordered the same dish! But, but its was SOLD OUT. :(
My hungry-ness was activated! I need to eat something. So I'm ordered Chicken sandwich!
Very nice chicken sandwich! I'm loving it.Next time, I must try the Roasted Chicken & chips!
I must satisfy my craving !
Re-stocked my Royal Selangor postcards... <3 <3 <3 ...
Royal Selangor postcards never fail to excite me!
Sending them out to World Wide via Postcrossing...
Royal Selangor,
Sharing Favourite
Monday, July 25, 2011
Virgin New Balance MT101 Minimalist shoe on trail run @ FRIM
It's weekend. It's was Saturday. Everyone was busy preparing for their races. No one to date with. I'm got nothing to do and I'm just went to run solo on trail which I'm wanted to do it since I got my New Balance MT101 minimalist shoe on Monday.
I'm been tweeting #NewBalance MT101 and I finally received it together with LineBreak compression from Singapore via stopover in Thailand. A very long story & complex things yet faith brought both item to me! hehe...
Finally reached on the top part of the FRIM !
This video, it's downhill and I can't believed I can run downhill this fast on trail with camera in hand ! The NB MT101 really gives me confidence on the downhill... That's why I got the confidence with just its a try and downhill as fast as i can...
On the last part of the video, it's show my NB shoe and Linebreak compression tight! I'm just loving it! Next week going to run again!

Lastly, thank you Azrul for the ice-cream. It's just awesome! hehe...
FRIM is going to be my another training ground for trail running. I'm shall be reporting to FRIM on every weekend without fail unless something urgent. If you thinks you can catch up with us, welcome to join us on every Saturday morning 7:00am, that's if you able to wake up. haha...
#TMBT, It's just 102 days away from today!
Keep it up Chin Ann.
Everyday is a good day to improve yourself !
I'm going to complete my second Ultra marathon ! Trail Ultra marathon
The Most Beautiful Thing 100 KM !
I'm been tweeting #NewBalance MT101 and I finally received it together with LineBreak compression from Singapore via stopover in Thailand. A very long story & complex things yet faith brought both item to me! hehe...
FRIM - Forest Research Institue Malaysia
The last time i was here when I'm running with CariRunners. Our Taikor from Penang were in KL, and we brought him to FRIM here for running! I remember that day was Sunday, after we done running in FRIM, we went to Batu Caves famous frog porridge for breakfast.
After that, we went to Batu Caves temples and climb up. hehe...
I'm arrived at FRIM around 7:00am and the walking path were cleaned ! I'm loving it! Well maintained.
From the bottom, starting from the "Masjid Jamek" I start to run up ! It's trail. It's uphill... Lucky I got the energy to run up... slowly... hehe...
On the half way, I was overtake by some runners! Horey! I was thinking, my trail run today wont be boring anymore! I got someone to pace with. Waits, It's not just someone, but some two, three, four and fifth runners continue to overtake me! Wow...
I keep hard pushing and keep my pace to catch up with them! It's so hard! Running trail Vs running on road are totally different games! But Im love it!
The trail. Im loving the FRIM's trail route...
Running with my virgin New Balance MT101 Minimalist trail shoe at FRIM trail.
Pairing NB MT101 with my injinji toe sock! Since it's minimalist, it's totally no cushioning. The 14.5 KM trail running were taxing on my calf muscles. I feel the pain for rest of the day!
Self cam-whoring @ one the pit-stop! hehe...
My newly meet friends! They are fast!! Nice to meet you all!
After the pit-stop, there's a very hilly uphill... I give up on half way! Revert back to walking. Wait I'm well train in the trail running, I'm going to run up all the way this hill !!!
After the hill, it's a nice view with 3 routes to choose ! Which one you would like to take?
Oh yeah, on other hand, Im running with my Linebreak "no nonsense compression" ! hehe...
Another self cam-whoring! Im really enjoy the nice surrounding going up hill... It's a very nice forest farm.
"Ladang Hutan" the trees are planned. First time running here and just discover such a nice view!
"Ladang Hutan" the trees are planned. First time running here and just discover such a nice view!
Feel like running in oversea right? The trees, the trails... It's just awesome!
Finally reached on the top part of the FRIM !
This video, it's downhill and I can't believed I can run downhill this fast on trail with camera in hand ! The NB MT101 really gives me confidence on the downhill... That's why I got the confidence with just its a try and downhill as fast as i can...
On the last part of the video, it's show my NB shoe and Linebreak compression tight! I'm just loving it! Next week going to run again!
Ah! I likes my New Balance MT101 minimalist shoe on trail run! This MT101 going to accompany me for The Most Beautiful Thing (#TMBT) : Sabah Adventure Challenge 100 KM Trail Ultra Marathon in November 2011.
Running on trail....
Lastly, thank you Azrul for the ice-cream. It's just awesome! hehe...
FRIM is going to be my another training ground for trail running. I'm shall be reporting to FRIM on every weekend without fail unless something urgent. If you thinks you can catch up with us, welcome to join us on every Saturday morning 7:00am, that's if you able to wake up. haha...
#TMBT, It's just 102 days away from today!
Keep it up Chin Ann.
Everyday is a good day to improve yourself !
I'm going to complete my second Ultra marathon ! Trail Ultra marathon
The Most Beautiful Thing 100 KM !
New Balance,
Trail running
Friday, July 22, 2011
BHP Orange Run 2011
A year ago, I joint BHP Orange Run 2010 with Cari Runners.
A year have past, a lot of events, things happened during one year period.
A year ago, I never dream of running 100km Ultra marathon.
A year ago, I never dream of completing my 100km Ultra marathon with flying color.
A year ago, my fitness level so un-fitted comparing to today.
1 thing unchanged in me compared to one year ago is Im still single me. =.='
BHP Orange Run offer a different kind of running route for me as most of the running race are in KL, which starting from Dataran Merdeka.
Enjoy the run on coming Sunday 24 July 2011.
A year have past, a lot of events, things happened during one year period.
A year ago, I never dream of running 100km Ultra marathon.
A year ago, I never dream of completing my 100km Ultra marathon with flying color.
A year ago, my fitness level so un-fitted comparing to today.
1 thing unchanged in me compared to one year ago is Im still single me. =.='
BHP Orange Run offer a different kind of running route for me as most of the running race are in KL, which starting from Dataran Merdeka.
Enjoy the run on coming Sunday 24 July 2011.
10km Run,
Orange Run,
The Curve
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Putrajaya Night Marathon 2011 - Revenge of Fallen
It's officially open for registration! It's Putrajaya Night Marathon (PNM) I'm talking about!
It's just 85 days away!
This year, PNM managed to get title sponsor from Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN). Woo Hoo...
How many of us are a saver of BSN ? This recall my childhood memory where mum encourages us to save money by save our extra pocket money into coin box! Once the BSN coin box is full mum will bring us to BSN bank to deposit the coins into our saving account. We were carrying our BSN coin box and feel proud of it when walking into the bank :)
Putrajaya Night Marathon 2010 - I only blogged about preparation on PNM last year, but i did not blog about my experience. I'm now still can recall last year experience, I HAD A CRAMP in the race! I'm so un-fit ! Im going to revenge ! Revenge of the fallen!
This year 2011, no specific target, but definitely will complete with strong legs!!!
No cramp! No cramp @ Putrajaya Night Marathon!!!
It's just 85 days away!
This year, PNM managed to get title sponsor from Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN). Woo Hoo...
How many of us are a saver of BSN ? This recall my childhood memory where mum encourages us to save money by save our extra pocket money into coin box! Once the BSN coin box is full mum will bring us to BSN bank to deposit the coins into our saving account. We were carrying our BSN coin box and feel proud of it when walking into the bank :)
Putrajaya Night Marathon 2010 - I only blogged about preparation on PNM last year, but i did not blog about my experience. I'm now still can recall last year experience, I HAD A CRAMP in the race! I'm so un-fit ! Im going to revenge ! Revenge of the fallen!
This year 2011, no specific target, but definitely will complete with strong legs!!!
No cramp! No cramp @ Putrajaya Night Marathon!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
LineBreak - No Nonsense Compression
Finally been a week of waiting, I'm received Linebreak compression from Singapore which I'm ordered.
The LineBreak compression tights were flying from Singapore to Thailand and eventually touched down in KL and I'm just got it just now.
As I'm wearinf the LineBreak compression now while typing, I can feel it. Too bad, I can not test it out tomorrow 1st thing in the 5:30am morning run, as I'm now 1:07am still blogging about it. !
Soon, I will have chance to test it out for running and workout. It's going to be my new love. My other compression were either cant feel the tight-ness as only wear for 1 year plus or the stitches start to loose and "Ber-Lubang" a hole is forming and start growing bigger and bigger.
While on other hand, as the "LINEBREAK" Australia tagline: No Nonsense Compression and no marketing for branding, it's all by words of mouth and that's how Linebreak compression is selling much much cheaper than other well known brands.
This is part of the reasons Im decided to get LineBreak compression by reading the information on the website and it's being recommended by Andrew Bowen when he commented in Jamie's facebook status.
On other hand, Im started Facebook fan pages name: LineBreak Malaysia Community if you have any questions to ask or existing Malaysians who using the LineBreak compression to share you experience.
Sharing is caring.
The LineBreak compression tights were flying from Singapore to Thailand and eventually touched down in KL and I'm just got it just now.
As I'm wearinf the LineBreak compression now while typing, I can feel it. Too bad, I can not test it out tomorrow 1st thing in the 5:30am morning run, as I'm now 1:07am still blogging about it. !
Soon, I will have chance to test it out for running and workout. It's going to be my new love. My other compression were either cant feel the tight-ness as only wear for 1 year plus or the stitches start to loose and "Ber-Lubang" a hole is forming and start growing bigger and bigger.
While on other hand, as the "LINEBREAK" Australia tagline: No Nonsense Compression and no marketing for branding, it's all by words of mouth and that's how Linebreak compression is selling much much cheaper than other well known brands.
This is part of the reasons Im decided to get LineBreak compression by reading the information on the website and it's being recommended by Andrew Bowen when he commented in Jamie's facebook status.
On other hand, Im started Facebook fan pages name: LineBreak Malaysia Community if you have any questions to ask or existing Malaysians who using the LineBreak compression to share you experience.
Sharing is caring.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Ultra-Marathon celebration with "brothers" on 26 June 2011
Thank you my brothers. Thank you my friends. Even we are like just know each other for not long ago, thank you for treating me like brother like old friend. I'm so touch. I'm speechless.
Immediately on Sunday 26 June 2011 when I'm reach at KL at 8.00pm plus via bus, you came and pick me and went to have "pork fine dinning" to celebrate my completion of 100km Ultra Marathon race!
Immediately on Sunday 26 June 2011 when I'm reach at KL at 8.00pm plus via bus, you came and pick me and went to have "pork fine dinning" to celebrate my completion of 100km Ultra Marathon race!
Pork Fine Dinning
Pork Knuckle !
For the 1st time, I'm being exposed to pork knuckle to be eat with wine. It's not any normal wine but wine that my friend discover that match with pork knuckle. It's so happened that the wine which brought in by the restaurant never been ordered by any customer before.
Pork lollipop ! haha... It's chef's new dish giving us to try it out.
Thank for companions for #VinProperty, and now soon also for #HAI.
Fine Dinning,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Vibram Five Fingers
It's such a long long time I'm left behind my VFF on shoe rack. That time I were 78kg, overweight, running barefoot are giving more pressure & stress to my knees.
Barefoot Running,
Vibram FiveFingers
Friday, July 15, 2011
30 days challenge
A short duration of 30 days are too short for me. In 30 days, things I wanted to achieve are:
1. To pick up trails running
2. Maintaining my weekly mileages of 42km running
3. Improve my core muscles strength
4. Finish up my year end account audits
Yesterday, I joined 30 days challenge group thanks to Aaron Lee for initial the challenge.
My ultimate goal is to complete "The Most Beautiful Thing : Sabah Adventure Challenge 100km Trails Ultra Marathon" in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
It's going to be my second ultra marathon after my successful completion of Sundown Ultra marathon 100km recently in Singapore.
Good luck & all the best.
Chin Ann
Sent via iPhone
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2011
Last year was my second year joining the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2010 (SCMS).
Last year marathon was a another good marathon after Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2010 (SCKLM)
This year, I missed the SCKLM 2011 race.
so, this year, I'm going to miss the SCMS 2011 race too.
SCMS early bird offer is ending on 20th July 2011. Hurry.
I'm always encourage new runner who wanted to try their first virgin 42km marathon in the SCMS as they have a very good organised race, and sufficient water station. Another thing is along the road, there's people be it pretty girls or handsome boy are cheering for the runners! Yay!
Last year marathon was a another good marathon after Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2010 (SCKLM)
This year, I missed the SCKLM 2011 race.
so, this year, I'm going to miss the SCMS 2011 race too.
SCMS early bird offer is ending on 20th July 2011. Hurry.
You will never can see this in Malaysia race.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Mont Kiara - Old Vs New
As we know, Mont Kiara, the name for the up-market residential place. Mont Kiara, people will automatic linked to status, super high condominiums, expensive properties and many many more...
While Plaza Mont' Kiara is the first ever commercial properties in Mont' Kiara. It's used to represent the Mont' Kiara status way back many years ago.
While Plaza Mont' Kiara is the first ever commercial properties in Mont' Kiara. It's used to represent the Mont' Kiara status way back many years ago.
Is people still always mention about Plaza Mont' Kiara?
While just opposite the Plaza Mont' Kiara, there's 1Mont Kiara a brand new commercial property was just open not long ago.
1Mont Kiara is the latest commercial property in Mont Kiara.
Coming up soon, just some joke that friend joke about me when we were at property sales gallery. hehe...
Mont Kiara,
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Most Beautiful Thing #TMBT : Sabah Adventure 25K/50K/100K Ultra Trail Run
The Most Beautiful Thing #TMBT : Sabah Adventure 25K/50K/100K Ultra Trail Run
Please note the Malaysian quota for the 50k and 100k categories are already full and any registrations receieved will be put on a waiting list on a first come first basis. We do have a limited number of slots left for the 50k and 100k for non-malaysians. We also have plenty of slots left for the 25k distance. Thank You. (From Facebook)
Malaysian categories are full!
The Most Beautiful Thing @ Malaysia @ Sabah, Im coming to you, Kota Kinabalu !
"You joining 100km trails? Are you crazy?" this was from an Ultra buddies when im mention it out.
Yes, I'm joining 100km Ultra again. I need to find something different. I decided to skip the Penang Bridge International Marathon 42km & Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 42km and both these budgets to bet into this "The Most Beautiful Thing 100km Ultra Trails Marathon."
It's been since 21st June 2011, something let's me do the thinking really hard. Been thinking real hard...really hard... What should I do next? Do nothing & waiting...?
Today is 117 days countdown to TMBT race day.
Please note the Malaysian quota for the 50k and 100k categories are already full and any registrations receieved will be put on a waiting list on a first come first basis. We do have a limited number of slots left for the 50k and 100k for non-malaysians. We also have plenty of slots left for the 25k distance. Thank You. (From Facebook)
Malaysian categories are full!
The Most Beautiful Thing @ Malaysia @ Sabah, Im coming to you, Kota Kinabalu !
"You joining 100km trails? Are you crazy?" this was from an Ultra buddies when im mention it out.
Yes, I'm joining 100km Ultra again. I need to find something different. I decided to skip the Penang Bridge International Marathon 42km & Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 42km and both these budgets to bet into this "The Most Beautiful Thing 100km Ultra Trails Marathon."
It's been since 21st June 2011, something let's me do the thinking really hard. Been thinking real hard...really hard... What should I do next? Do nothing & waiting...?
Today is 117 days countdown to TMBT race day.
Sharing Favourite,
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Bersih @ 9th July 2011
This post is the compile of photos I view from Twitpic & Facebook.
Let's remember 9th July 2011 - The day #Bersih 2.0
Crowd singing negaraku #Bersih2 via Warbaby
Let's remember 9th July 2011 - The day #Bersih 2.0
Throng of cops ran over to where we were, beat some ppl down to the ground and took them. #bersih via @quaintly
FRU with water canon and now tear gas at masjid jamel #bersih
A group taking refuge at hospital tongshin, FRU waiting outside. water cannon sprayed into carpark #bersih
daxmuhamad |
Boys chased down the streets. Batons, riot shields, boots all in FRU. Peaceful marched broken up in seconds. |
Fuck. Watercannon's out. But everyone's wet already la...FRU ready #Bersih2 via @warbaby
via @warbaby
via @warbaby
via Yvonne Ho |
Haha... Planking
Tear gas
Another face-off is building up. This time on the main road Jalan Pudu.
Face-off. Cops calling for backup. Surprised that we turned back to face them.
#bersih Crowd regrouped in frnt of Tung Shin Hospital after b'g gassed n sprayed.
Waitg for instructions.
Damn sonn. 2 groups merge. Malaysians cheering wild. J Sultan is packed full
Wow.. you can see everyone is hand up snapping photos! It's the advancement of the technology. .
God Bless #bersih.
God Bless Malaysia
God Bless KL.
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