Monday, December 29, 2008
this weekend im suppose to do my normal routine running with others. but seems that i have done none of the running during the weekend.
im was so tired that im overslept for the pass 2 mornings. i thinks im need a rest? Do i really need the so called "rest" ?
no 1 know, except myself.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry X'mas
nothing much special.
im working on 24th... and night i went to The Curve to meet up with my Low Yat Chinese Thread gang for diner.
i reached there about 8.15pm and round round and round the parking B2 n B1....
finally after 30 minutes of lepak-ing n looking for space, i found a space, tht's side lane.
after tht, it's diner time. my friend reach about 8.00pm and they been walking around looking for space in restaurant! and yet, it's all FULL HOUSE.
im so hungry. finally we got about 10 persons, break up into 2 group and ate at the separate places.
i n other 2 had nyo-nyak "ah Tuah Ee restaurant to fill my stomache.
after tht, we went to laundry for drinks n sit there, until 12am.....
nothing special about "laundry" as mentioned by other people. we ordered a bottle of chivas for 10 persons. it's seem the chivas is being consumed quites fast...
3...2...1... Merry X'mas...
everyone outside is spraying.... spraying money into the air...
it's spraying all around...
it's money all around...
people is going do it again on new year eve!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Malakoff Run 12km

This year Malakoff Run's route last minute change, i got no chances to run through the Pencala Link Tunnel. So dissapointed. Wish next year the tunnel route are included.

now, im got more reasons to join a run.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Warehouse Sale

it's the warehouse sale.
i cant believed myself when i got the email.
im involved too. Every1 in the department have to go, even my boss Accountant and my big big boss Controller.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
i have been blogging about running for quite number of posts, and now im blogging again!!!
Step back and see back. i start my running life starting my my purchase of my red hot Saucony shoe back in August if im not wrong.
since then im glad that im joining a consistent group of people who running on every Saturday morning without fails. only me myself who fail to appear for the 1st few months and also currently.
my stamina is improved over time and now i can run at least 4km without having any difficulties.
now i have a mission, a wish, a target, a thing to do...
that's running FULL marathon!
that's about 42km.
i believe i can do it in year 2010 for my 1st maiden FULL marathon.
Monday, December 15, 2008
what happened to my pictures?
i thinks it's because im using the other source which display the original size of pictures.
it's make my pic abit cacat...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Im Finished

Started from 8.00pm.
During my 1st 2 hours, im trying to adjust my speed and just go for it.
1-2 hours 8pm to 10pm - 12 laps
3-4 hours 10pm to 12am - 9 laps
5-6 hours 12am to 2am - 5 laps
7-8 hours 2am to 4am - 2 laps
9-10 hours 4am to 6am - 2 laps
11-12 hours 6am to 8am - 2 laps
total 32 laps.
after that, im slowing down but still keep the pace.
1 great thing is that we were served food for every 2 hours.
12am to 2am
im really tired. it's not i dun have stamina, but im feel sleepy. im almost want to falls sleep while im walking. eye keep dropping and i still keep walking. after 2am, i decided to stop n rest n sleep as well at the resting area.
from that time, i keep watching my time and make sure that i do wake up to walk for at least 1 round within 2 hours time. else if did not walks after 2 hours, it will dis-qualify.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
12 hour Putrajaya Walk
Tommorow is the day.
it's my 1st ever 12-hour walk.
i never thinks long before joining.
i just want to exercise.
previously i long long time ago, i got joined Star Walk in Penang twice.
it's quite enjoyable race, as just walking around penang really makes you understand penang well and more nearer to penang.
now it's 12-hour Putrajaya Walk... mean im would be know Putrajaya well and much nearer?
For Your Information, the track is circle. 1 circle = 1km.
and we are planning to walk for minimum 24km where we will be qualify, and will be given a certificate and a medal.
24 laps minimum, i can remember clearly every inch of the building and plants.
Anyways, it's start from 8.00pm until 8.00am Sunday.
Wish me Good luck.
just now got email confirmation that i got another stocktake next week!
Tommorrow stocktake at our supply chain warehouse transporter.
then on Tuesday another 1, consignment stock... then Wednesday again.
it's going to be tiring n busy week.
Not yet take into consider of my 12 hour Putrajaya Walk which is held on tommorrow as well, starting from 2000 to 0800. yeah....
Monday, December 08, 2008
last night sleep quite early about 12am, and wake up only at 9.00am.
it's start raining from 6.00am until now still have some little rain still falling.
it's cold.
Thinks of want to go to new gym at Capital Square, but never action.
THinks of want to go, but never go.
finally ended go to Sg Wang to meet up with friend from Penang and other friend.
after that went to One Station at Jln Imbi.
until now still at One Station.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
8km Double Hill Run
i was like dreaming, wake up and sit on the bed...
i feeling like dun want to go to running.
yet, im still finding myself excuses for going to run.
brush my tooth, have my breakfast, the time still early, looking at the sky, lots of cloud is moving...
expecting will have rain soon...
Since Monday tommorow is public holiday, im just go for the running.
6.20am reached the Bukit Aman car park, and it's already have some group of people start running already...
i waited for few minutes and my group member is coming. we start to run about 6.3am and that time rain is starting to falls down...
lucky the rain is not heavy, we were running in the rain and listen to MP3... for the 1st time.
although i can not match my speed with my running mate, im still able to finish my run and the price for that is my leg's muscle now is in pain...
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Running for me at least im enjoying it. Im enjoy running. i got the chances to meet new people around, and they are consistent runners be it leisure runner or professional runner.
2008 is coming to the end, and 2009 is going to start soon. i thinks im going to join each and every run oraganised for half marathon. Great Eastern Run 20k is my 1st running for the year 2009.
while 2008 might be end with 12km malakoff on 21st December 2008.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Second month
im survived!
on other hand, my works load is getting more and more. *sweat...
Philips GoGear LUXE

Philips is entering the MP3 player market with something vastly different from what they used to do in the past,
and this time round the Luxe might not come with a whole lot of internal memory (just a paltry 2GB),
but it is interesting as it can also function as a Bluetooth headset,
allowing you to interrupt your music session with incoming calls seamlessly.
The one line LCD display lets you know who is calling while your cell phone remains tucked away in your pocket.
Sounds pretty redundant though, since cell phones are pretty capable MP3 players in their own right these days,
so separating that function onto a Bluetooth headset is more of a novelty.
Gotta love the design though as it would go down well with a Nokia Prism in tow.
Source: Cnet
From the newspaper, it's RCP is RM329.
IF Philips has its way, the company's newly launched Luxe MP3 player could also be a girl's best friend.
Luxe, which packs 2GB of built-in memory, has a jewel-like design and can be worn like a brooch.
The player features the company's proprietary FullSound technology to make MP3 songs sound just like high quality CD music by restoring detail to the compressed files, according to the company.
FullSound uses a digital audio algorithm that refines audio output by performing 10 million operations per second to analyse and recompute the music signal before it is sent to the speaker.
The player also offers a one-line LCD screen, built-in FM radio and up to 10 hours of battery life to play music on single charge.
However, what sets it apart from other MP3 players in the market is the fact that Luxe also doubles up as a Bluetooth headset for the mobile phone.
Once paired with a phone, the device will pause music playback automatically when a call comes in. In this mode, it provides users with up to four hours of talktime and up to 100 hours of standby time. Luxe retails for RM329. ZAM KARIM
i managed to try the sound, and it's great. it's really totally different from MP3 that im own now!!! im just loving it.
really thinks of getting 1, but it's not the suitable time yet, as next year it's will intro 4G version!!!