it's was great. i was running with a group of runner on Saturday morning 7.30am starting from Bukit Aman car park and running around Lake Garden.
As this is my first time running around, im started as beginner stage. the run is short, but im hardly can catch up. my stamina is tested to the limits.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
it's seems im quite a long time did not blogging.
it's been 1 week passed.
so many things happened. mostly un-happy, pissed off, specially on last friday.
on morning, RPK is being arrested under ISA... no more hold no barred stories.
then at night, the sin chew reporter who reports on "pendatang" also arrested under ISA. Police reasoning is, based on their information, the life of the reporter is under thread.
then the last 1 is teresa kok, seputeh MP who was arrested on her way back home from a function at 11.30pm. im only know this when im brought newspaper on Saturday morning. WTF... never got saw Teresa comment anything also, she also kena ISA...
perhaps, if im using harsh abit the wording, im also will be kena ISA... ???
on this Saturday morning, i have COD to get my running shoe. Saucony.
on afternoon, i went to service my car. it's 30k km service already. i claimed a new disc brake (rotor).
on evening, i went to my friend house in puchong joining the mooncake lucky port gathering. im very enjoy it.
on sunday, 914
i and my friends went to Puchong eat Yong Tau Fu. before that, we went to the Giant Bandar Puteri where my friend want to stock pile up for the coming 916... i thought only im who kiasu, kiasi... last week im already stock up some biskuts. Whereares my fellow friend, he is so kiasu and kiasi than me, he brought around RM200 of food, namely mineral water, express cup mee, biskut and milo. at that movement, i feel im nothing compared with him. im give up to buy anything on that day.
working as usual. at night, there is a massive gathering / rally in the petaling jaya stadium, did not bother which stadium...
nothing is happening.
guess, the rumour speculated is just to scare people like me... *sweat...
looking for the for the coming days...
it's been 1 week passed.
so many things happened. mostly un-happy, pissed off, specially on last friday.
on morning, RPK is being arrested under ISA... no more hold no barred stories.
then at night, the sin chew reporter who reports on "pendatang" also arrested under ISA. Police reasoning is, based on their information, the life of the reporter is under thread.
then the last 1 is teresa kok, seputeh MP who was arrested on her way back home from a function at 11.30pm. im only know this when im brought newspaper on Saturday morning. WTF... never got saw Teresa comment anything also, she also kena ISA...
perhaps, if im using harsh abit the wording, im also will be kena ISA... ???
on this Saturday morning, i have COD to get my running shoe. Saucony.
on afternoon, i went to service my car. it's 30k km service already. i claimed a new disc brake (rotor).
on evening, i went to my friend house in puchong joining the mooncake lucky port gathering. im very enjoy it.
on sunday, 914
i and my friends went to Puchong eat Yong Tau Fu. before that, we went to the Giant Bandar Puteri where my friend want to stock pile up for the coming 916... i thought only im who kiasu, kiasi... last week im already stock up some biskuts. Whereares my fellow friend, he is so kiasu and kiasi than me, he brought around RM200 of food, namely mineral water, express cup mee, biskut and milo. at that movement, i feel im nothing compared with him. im give up to buy anything on that day.
working as usual. at night, there is a massive gathering / rally in the petaling jaya stadium, did not bother which stadium...
nothing is happening.
guess, the rumour speculated is just to scare people like me... *sweat...
looking for the for the coming days...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Jaguar XF
Not long ago, i was told by friend about the new Jaguar. initially i thought it just another boring type of Jaguar that usually seen on the road. Never bother about it. until i saw the pictures. Wow.... really got the "wow" factor.
i was told that there is currently only 7 units of this model in Malaysia...
the design of the car is designed by the Aston Martin's designer. that why the front looks got abit of Aston Martin car.

too bad, it's not taken by me. else i can touch, sit and enjoy it.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
i got shock when im cut my hair!!!
i was so shock and worry about my hair!!!
im just want to get off from the chair!!!
today as usual i went to the my usual saloon shop E3 nearby my place. As usual weekend i have to waits for quite a some time. perhaps minimum of 30 minutes. Worst i got waited until 1 hour then only reach my turn for hair cut.
As usual, i normally did not specific who is my hair cutter or stylist. im just want my hair to be cut short and looks nice, that's only my requirement.
today, it's a new guy. i saw his preparation on the things, i feel freaking worry. plus looking at his face, he did not have much confidence on it.
as he preparing, 1st pull the troli nearby, then put his cutting equipment. even his water spray also just re-filled.
when he start to use machine to cut my hair,
when the machine first touch my hair,
when the machine start to cut my hair, im shock. im really terible shock.
his hand and his machine is shacking wihle im experience shock.
im try to control my shock.
each time he use machine to cut with his shacking hand, im shock and worry.
i got no eye to see how he cut my hair.
lucky nothing is happened to me. im still alive.
after use machine, then cut using hand.
for the first time, i comment on the hair. here is not right, there is not right. too long.
im really lost confidence on him.
im always thinks why they always asking me whether i got any specific person to cut my hair or not. now im under-stand.
next time no more "him".
Penang Bridge Run

since the Penang bridge Run marothan is back on August, im been strugglling whether want to join or not.
Join then i should have start my training as soon as possible yet i dun have the motivation to register myself yet although there is Online Registration is available.
Something is holding me.
previously i got joined Penang Bridge Run for 3 times continous.
2000 : i joined the 25km run, but im oversleep. after wake up it's 8am already and im still go there not for running but to redeem alots of free gifts.
2001: i was in TAR College Penang, this round, i got the so called "exercise' and for the 1st time running for 22km without any expectation. i failed to finish within 3 hours and failed to get certificate.
2002: with the previous experience, i training abit more compared with previous year. this round i managed to completed within 3 hours. Horey, i got certificate and medal.
2003 - 2006: i went to KL for my Advanced Diploma.
2007 - 2008: started to works extremely busy with my audit life.
2008: joined commercial, this round i have the time. i thinks im going to register myself when "something" that hold me is settle.
All this while since introduction of the Online Purchase for the movie ticket for GSC, im already used with it.
on 31 August also the same. i try to do last minute purchase online at home before im off to One Utama GSC for movie.
oh, shit, it's access denail on the last step of the confirmation.
first im use my Direct Access credit card to try, but fail.
then use UOB One Platinium card which can gives me 5% cash rebate on GSC movie ticket to try, but fail too.
then use OCBC, but fail.
then use Maybank, but fail.
after so many trys, i gives up. then im still go out and head to One Utama. i was thinking if can not get ticket on-time then i go shopping. Lucky that day that time, it's less people i go to line up and within 5 minutes it's my turn. i have saved 50cents, but i feel in-secured.
anyways that day i watched Money No Enough 2. it's quite touching movie and we all facing it everyday.
August is gone, here come September. i checked my online statement for my credit card and found there are RM10.5 x 7 in all my credit cards which im trying to purchase that day but fail. i called every bank and they gives me the same conclusion, go back to the Merchant, and ask them to make reversal on the transaction else making a dispute report is risky.
Risk of my credit rating will be destroyed. if the result show i have to pay the dispute amount, i have to bear the finance charges as well. Suddenly it's gives me a serious of thoughts on online purchase.
Among the banks, Maybank said the dispute result will be known in 45 days.
Direct Access is the worst, it's 100-120 days.
Other banks also in between.
I decided to get back to GSC. but im expecting a difficult task for it. i got the general line of the GSC after searching high and low. i thinks i should have call back my ex-colleague ask them to flip client directory to get the GSC office telephone number to save my trouble. haha.
got the number, but it's only operates from Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm.
Yesterday, 5 September 2008 Friday
it's friday, my finance manager leave early and left me alone. when im get ready to leave, suddenly my japanese admin manager boss asked me to do some works for him. Lucky the figures is easy to find. within 5 minutes it's done and im left office.
dammit, it's terible huge bloddy traffic jammm. in the jammm, suddenly i thought since i got nothing do to, why not i try to call the GSC customer service. it's 5.40pm, i called and some1 is answering. so i asked to transfer the line to customer services and it's got asnwered by a friendly Customer service within 15 seconds. yeah.
i told her my situation and that time im only bring with 1 of my credit card with me. so i give her my credit card number and she said she will get back to me later today or monday. i dont thinks so she able to return my call within the same day since it's 5.40pm already.
what's make me so excited is she gives me her direct lines. other credit card number i can call her direct line for her to investigate. Hopefully her direct line wont bluff me.
i thinks my problems is almost solved and waiting the time to come.

previously when im first saw this pictures posted by Terapox in the CC thread, i got something in mind, but now im forget what i want to writes about it.
The status that im chasing for it. perhaps it's can be my motivation.
Status checked?
thinking of want to compare my status with the above. it's seem im only scored 2/12. The "Platinium" cards im having now is just "Platinium".
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

i found it's so cute and lucky im not so desperate want to own it or give as gift to people.
The Carebears above is not available in Malaysia, they all are brought into Msia from Singapore. haha...
Monday, September 01, 2008
30 Aug 2008
last night so excited with my pictures and immediately after back home, i upload to my PC and upload to my photobucket and post few pictures in the low yat forum.
today it's Saturday. 1 day before Merdeka. Everyone is busy with their planned activities while im got no any program. so i decided to join my senior's gathering which is happened at PV10, newest condo in Setapak area.
it's my senior's new house. she brought it two years ago and this year May she moved into her new house and stay with her sister. She now already afford to buy a RM188,000 condo while im got nothing.
it's been quite long since Penang's TAR College i did not meet with my senior. the first thing my senior ask me when im reached at her house is about life in KL. their conclusion is : BORING.
so they want to find out from me, whether my life is BORING too or is it whether is only their problems or it's KL's life is BORING. haha...
Various of question is being throwed out and being answered. their conclusion, my life is BORING same as them. Another senior come, also being asked the same question and also got the same conclusion.
Anyways, we have a great homecook diner which is cooked by my senior. Got chicken, pork, soup, vegatable... after that got dessert and fruits. it's quite full.
after that we chit chat... until 12.30am then only left.
it's a great gathering. im enjoyed it.
today it's Saturday. 1 day before Merdeka. Everyone is busy with their planned activities while im got no any program. so i decided to join my senior's gathering which is happened at PV10, newest condo in Setapak area.
it's my senior's new house. she brought it two years ago and this year May she moved into her new house and stay with her sister. She now already afford to buy a RM188,000 condo while im got nothing.
it's been quite long since Penang's TAR College i did not meet with my senior. the first thing my senior ask me when im reached at her house is about life in KL. their conclusion is : BORING.
so they want to find out from me, whether my life is BORING too or is it whether is only their problems or it's KL's life is BORING. haha...
Various of question is being throwed out and being answered. their conclusion, my life is BORING same as them. Another senior come, also being asked the same question and also got the same conclusion.
Anyways, we have a great homecook diner which is cooked by my senior. Got chicken, pork, soup, vegatable... after that got dessert and fruits. it's quite full.
after that we chit chat... until 12.30am then only left.
it's a great gathering. im enjoyed it.
29 Aug 2008
on 29 Aug 2008, Friday night, as usual i went to the Malaysia International Fireworks Competition for the Grand Finale.
i left my home around 6.30pm and able to reach at Putrajaya around 7.30pm. there was no any road block all the way to PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre). i believe the road block will be set up after 8.00pm which will defer people from driving car up to PICC.
even im reached which im consider very early, i failed to get a nice spot, i mean a nice sport for my friend "tom yam" to place his DSLR camera. after 5-6 minutes, he reached as well. we together find nice spot.
eh, i saw Rukawa there as well. so surprise. he already place his DSLR there and there got space for us.
my friend got his space small tripod and offer to lend me to use. hmmm... initially i was reject it, as i thinks my camera A70 Canon un-able to shoot nice pictures. anyways, im just give my try to shoot it with the tips from him teach me how to fine tune the camera functions and setting.
this is the tripod that im using!!

we have about 2 hours time to spare. so i try and adjust my setting and pose for the nice sport.
when the fireworks is started, i just keep shooting. im so worried about the batter life as im used it to shoot video for other fireworks day and never chance new. im just keep pressing and praying i can shoot nice pictures. The final result, im so happy and glad with it. im so happy. my antic Digicam A70 able to shoot this kind of pictures... horey...

i left my home around 6.30pm and able to reach at Putrajaya around 7.30pm. there was no any road block all the way to PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre). i believe the road block will be set up after 8.00pm which will defer people from driving car up to PICC.
even im reached which im consider very early, i failed to get a nice spot, i mean a nice sport for my friend "tom yam" to place his DSLR camera. after 5-6 minutes, he reached as well. we together find nice spot.
eh, i saw Rukawa there as well. so surprise. he already place his DSLR there and there got space for us.
my friend got his space small tripod and offer to lend me to use. hmmm... initially i was reject it, as i thinks my camera A70 Canon un-able to shoot nice pictures. anyways, im just give my try to shoot it with the tips from him teach me how to fine tune the camera functions and setting.
this is the tripod that im using!!

we have about 2 hours time to spare. so i try and adjust my setting and pose for the nice sport.
when the fireworks is started, i just keep shooting. im so worried about the batter life as im used it to shoot video for other fireworks day and never chance new. im just keep pressing and praying i can shoot nice pictures. The final result, im so happy and glad with it. im so happy. my antic Digicam A70 able to shoot this kind of pictures... horey...

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