Monday, December 29, 2008
this weekend im suppose to do my normal routine running with others. but seems that i have done none of the running during the weekend.
im was so tired that im overslept for the pass 2 mornings. i thinks im need a rest? Do i really need the so called "rest" ?
no 1 know, except myself.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry X'mas
nothing much special.
im working on 24th... and night i went to The Curve to meet up with my Low Yat Chinese Thread gang for diner.
i reached there about 8.15pm and round round and round the parking B2 n B1....
finally after 30 minutes of lepak-ing n looking for space, i found a space, tht's side lane.
after tht, it's diner time. my friend reach about 8.00pm and they been walking around looking for space in restaurant! and yet, it's all FULL HOUSE.
im so hungry. finally we got about 10 persons, break up into 2 group and ate at the separate places.
i n other 2 had nyo-nyak "ah Tuah Ee restaurant to fill my stomache.
after tht, we went to laundry for drinks n sit there, until 12am.....
nothing special about "laundry" as mentioned by other people. we ordered a bottle of chivas for 10 persons. it's seem the chivas is being consumed quites fast...
3...2...1... Merry X'mas...
everyone outside is spraying.... spraying money into the air...
it's spraying all around...
it's money all around...
people is going do it again on new year eve!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Malakoff Run 12km

This year Malakoff Run's route last minute change, i got no chances to run through the Pencala Link Tunnel. So dissapointed. Wish next year the tunnel route are included.

now, im got more reasons to join a run.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Warehouse Sale

it's the warehouse sale.
i cant believed myself when i got the email.
im involved too. Every1 in the department have to go, even my boss Accountant and my big big boss Controller.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
i have been blogging about running for quite number of posts, and now im blogging again!!!
Step back and see back. i start my running life starting my my purchase of my red hot Saucony shoe back in August if im not wrong.
since then im glad that im joining a consistent group of people who running on every Saturday morning without fails. only me myself who fail to appear for the 1st few months and also currently.
my stamina is improved over time and now i can run at least 4km without having any difficulties.
now i have a mission, a wish, a target, a thing to do...
that's running FULL marathon!
that's about 42km.
i believe i can do it in year 2010 for my 1st maiden FULL marathon.
Monday, December 15, 2008
what happened to my pictures?
i thinks it's because im using the other source which display the original size of pictures.
it's make my pic abit cacat...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Im Finished

Started from 8.00pm.
During my 1st 2 hours, im trying to adjust my speed and just go for it.
1-2 hours 8pm to 10pm - 12 laps
3-4 hours 10pm to 12am - 9 laps
5-6 hours 12am to 2am - 5 laps
7-8 hours 2am to 4am - 2 laps
9-10 hours 4am to 6am - 2 laps
11-12 hours 6am to 8am - 2 laps
total 32 laps.
after that, im slowing down but still keep the pace.
1 great thing is that we were served food for every 2 hours.
12am to 2am
im really tired. it's not i dun have stamina, but im feel sleepy. im almost want to falls sleep while im walking. eye keep dropping and i still keep walking. after 2am, i decided to stop n rest n sleep as well at the resting area.
from that time, i keep watching my time and make sure that i do wake up to walk for at least 1 round within 2 hours time. else if did not walks after 2 hours, it will dis-qualify.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
12 hour Putrajaya Walk
Tommorow is the day.
it's my 1st ever 12-hour walk.
i never thinks long before joining.
i just want to exercise.
previously i long long time ago, i got joined Star Walk in Penang twice.
it's quite enjoyable race, as just walking around penang really makes you understand penang well and more nearer to penang.
now it's 12-hour Putrajaya Walk... mean im would be know Putrajaya well and much nearer?
For Your Information, the track is circle. 1 circle = 1km.
and we are planning to walk for minimum 24km where we will be qualify, and will be given a certificate and a medal.
24 laps minimum, i can remember clearly every inch of the building and plants.
Anyways, it's start from 8.00pm until 8.00am Sunday.
Wish me Good luck.
just now got email confirmation that i got another stocktake next week!
Tommorrow stocktake at our supply chain warehouse transporter.
then on Tuesday another 1, consignment stock... then Wednesday again.
it's going to be tiring n busy week.
Not yet take into consider of my 12 hour Putrajaya Walk which is held on tommorrow as well, starting from 2000 to 0800. yeah....
Monday, December 08, 2008
last night sleep quite early about 12am, and wake up only at 9.00am.
it's start raining from 6.00am until now still have some little rain still falling.
it's cold.
Thinks of want to go to new gym at Capital Square, but never action.
THinks of want to go, but never go.
finally ended go to Sg Wang to meet up with friend from Penang and other friend.
after that went to One Station at Jln Imbi.
until now still at One Station.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
8km Double Hill Run
i was like dreaming, wake up and sit on the bed...
i feeling like dun want to go to running.
yet, im still finding myself excuses for going to run.
brush my tooth, have my breakfast, the time still early, looking at the sky, lots of cloud is moving...
expecting will have rain soon...
Since Monday tommorow is public holiday, im just go for the running.
6.20am reached the Bukit Aman car park, and it's already have some group of people start running already...
i waited for few minutes and my group member is coming. we start to run about 6.3am and that time rain is starting to falls down...
lucky the rain is not heavy, we were running in the rain and listen to MP3... for the 1st time.
although i can not match my speed with my running mate, im still able to finish my run and the price for that is my leg's muscle now is in pain...
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Running for me at least im enjoying it. Im enjoy running. i got the chances to meet new people around, and they are consistent runners be it leisure runner or professional runner.
2008 is coming to the end, and 2009 is going to start soon. i thinks im going to join each and every run oraganised for half marathon. Great Eastern Run 20k is my 1st running for the year 2009.
while 2008 might be end with 12km malakoff on 21st December 2008.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Second month
im survived!
on other hand, my works load is getting more and more. *sweat...
Philips GoGear LUXE

Philips is entering the MP3 player market with something vastly different from what they used to do in the past,
and this time round the Luxe might not come with a whole lot of internal memory (just a paltry 2GB),
but it is interesting as it can also function as a Bluetooth headset,
allowing you to interrupt your music session with incoming calls seamlessly.
The one line LCD display lets you know who is calling while your cell phone remains tucked away in your pocket.
Sounds pretty redundant though, since cell phones are pretty capable MP3 players in their own right these days,
so separating that function onto a Bluetooth headset is more of a novelty.
Gotta love the design though as it would go down well with a Nokia Prism in tow.
Source: Cnet
From the newspaper, it's RCP is RM329.
IF Philips has its way, the company's newly launched Luxe MP3 player could also be a girl's best friend.
Luxe, which packs 2GB of built-in memory, has a jewel-like design and can be worn like a brooch.
The player features the company's proprietary FullSound technology to make MP3 songs sound just like high quality CD music by restoring detail to the compressed files, according to the company.
FullSound uses a digital audio algorithm that refines audio output by performing 10 million operations per second to analyse and recompute the music signal before it is sent to the speaker.
The player also offers a one-line LCD screen, built-in FM radio and up to 10 hours of battery life to play music on single charge.
However, what sets it apart from other MP3 players in the market is the fact that Luxe also doubles up as a Bluetooth headset for the mobile phone.
Once paired with a phone, the device will pause music playback automatically when a call comes in. In this mode, it provides users with up to four hours of talktime and up to 100 hours of standby time. Luxe retails for RM329. ZAM KARIM
i managed to try the sound, and it's great. it's really totally different from MP3 that im own now!!! im just loving it.
really thinks of getting 1, but it's not the suitable time yet, as next year it's will intro 4G version!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Bloooody hell, it's 20 pieces of RM10 is coming out!!!
i was like huh???
so surprise.!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"我的名字叫明志" blog.
he now got new SONG.... 丘老師...
watched the video clip and it's so funny... im just loving it.
i like his creativity!!!
i like his dareness!!
guess, as long as he is in here, he will continous create wave by wave...
people is ready, i thinks some of us can understand and able to accept, but some party might not able to accept it.
they might be using law to restrict him...
anyways, he so entertaining...
why so serious!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
it's going to be busy week. it's closing week.
im still learning a lots of thing everyday.
new things keep coming.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
we were talking, talking... then come about travelling topic.
one of my colleague is going to Australia Melbourne next year. She is in the planning and not yet brought any flight tickets...
then come another colleague mentioning that next year she might going to USA with her mum.
then come another colleague is saying she targeting next year going to visit Vietnam and Hong Kong.
then left im alone, got no travelling plan. At the movement, what's in my mind is to climb mount Kinabalu!!! then come next is go caving to Gua Niah, the largest cave in the world, where it's can fits in 2 beoing 747...
while for the oversea trip, is thinking of visiting Shanghai.... and also Hong Kong...
some give advance notice of 6 months, and some even up to 9 months.
and also some also just give 1 month notice.
even i know it from their facebook that my friend is getting marry.
Yesterday i went to my friend's facebook to looks at his wedding photo. it's was well taken.
and got 1 thing im like the most, is the illustration big picture of he and his wife hanging on the wall of hotel restaurant. it's really creative.
ex-colleague will be get marry on 5th Dec, friday. A big bunch of ex-colleague is going down to Johor attending the wedding diner, while i have to stay in KL for working. Can not joining them.
while on Dec 6, another friend is marry too. they having their wedding diner in KL despite they both are working in the Singapore.
then come next year 2rd week of January, another ex-colleague is marry too. he is having his wedding diner at Subang.
Monday, November 10, 2008
it's was an advice from the 10 days long ex-colleague who told me.
now, i have to accept it.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Pay Slip
it's ready since end of October and no1 is informing me.
and im also got no time to go collect my pay slip.
i was asking my ex-finance manager, how was my case? is the japanese boss really take legal actions against me?
Yes, they were. They went to labour department and want to makes legal suits against me, but they failed. They failed because they with hold my salary and story is finished.
it's the same case they terminate other staff as well. They inform them: you no need to come to works the next day. It's really happened.
my current status, now is really "pok kai". i need some written document to claim my salary from new company.
1st closing
i spend hours n hours of completing it and with some guide from colleague. i never complain anything about it, guess im being trained to be workerholic...
my department, my division only got 3 persons. im at 1st also can not believe it, but with some task and job is being pushed down to other dept down stairs. Thus, i believed i still can survive.
for the past 1 week, i lack of sleep yet im still stay awake whole day. it's amazing, im wonder, how i can do it? what i do is just morning, 1 cup of white coffee from nescafe drinking machine, lunch another cup and at 6pm another cup.
but last time, it's wont helping much...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Broga Hill

i was tagged in the pictures posted by friend in facebook. !!!
it's so beatiful and nicely photo-chopped...
im loving it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Streamyx Back
my streamyx is back this morning.
like normal, i went to running at the Bukit Aman @ 7.00am
when back at home, i have the worst thing expected like usual, streamyx still down.
im just on my PC to do something, and suddenly im heard of my skype is being logined. wow, it's back.
im so excited.
no need go out left my home sweet home looks for the internet and also forcing myself to drinks expensive coffee and also go to KFC.
strangly, just now im called to helpline, wanted to do my rebate report, the account people saying that my technical report still open, not yet closed. i guess, the technical assistance is not working on Saturday n Sunday, and monday as well. haha.... Happy Deepavali.
Friday, October 24, 2008
since im started my new job,
i have become less and less spamming in the low yat forum and kbox. im miss my old life.
i know i have to move forward, i can not go back to the old life which im wanted.
life have to go on...

moto for the day:
It's Licking' Good.
that's where im now surfing net, checking my mail, downloading my movie, spamming as well.
previously i saw the FREE WIFI sticker on the door of KFC, but im relucdant wanted to go in, as im do not want FAT CHICKEN.
i dun want eat Chicken, i want diet.
i thinks im been telling myself, trys to avoid KFC if possible, and at last, finally im stepped into KFC Wangsa Maju, beside Carrefour, which is a quite BIG KFC...
brought wadges and 1 cup of Pepsi, cost me RM5.05.
at least, im avoided Chicken.
well, this KFC is going to my heaven while waiting my streamyx back.
it's FAST...
it's Confortable.
and it's COOL...
im wearing normal T-shirt and short pants, and worse im sitting below the air-con blower, which so happened the plug is nearby. im shacking now...
i thinks my weekend will be enjoyable weekend, and will be spending most of the time inside KFC...
E Mail III
Thank you once again for your e-mail.
We refer to your query on Streamyx connection issue, we regret that your Streamyx connection does not function to the expected level of efficiency. Upon verifying in our system, the technical team is now handling this issue and they are still running the testing in order to rectify the issue. We would like to apologise as we could not confirmed any expected due date regarding your issue. However, we already updated your report and urged for urgency for your case. Your patience on this matter is highly appreciated. We will revert to you once we receive their feedback.
For further assistance or feedback, kindly e-mail us at, you can also contact TM at 100 and select "Internet Services".
We would like to thank you for your feedback and we look forward to serving you better.
Customer Care Support,
Internet Services,
Customer Service Management,
TM Retail.
(Reference No: 1-3938757998)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sense and Simplicity
it's everywhere.
it's change how im thinking of it.
today is my second day in the new company. start to learning new skills.
Going to force myself to absord my newly learnt skills...
Email Replied
please advise me, how long should i waiting?
please advuse me this small small citizen who using Streamyx service, which force to lepak at outside online. Please pity me, please experience my feel when you out of reach of internet for weeks, weeks, more than 14 days, not just 14 hours.
im beg to you, give me back streamyx service, as im a customer of you.
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:36 PM, TM Customer Care Support
Dear Mr. Tan,Thank you for your e-mail.
Firstly, we would like to apologise for the late reply.We refer to your query on Streamxy connection issue, we are truly sorry for the poor service that you had experienced through this period.
Upon checking through our system, it is note that your report (SR 1-3899488746) is still in progress. We acknowledged that it has taken quite some time already, and our Technical Department has escalated this matter to our respective department for further diagnosis and actions.
Please be assured that the matter is given high priority and we highly appreciate your co-operation to give us some time for this and we will do our best to resolve this matter as soon as possible.
For further assistance or feedback, kindly e-mail us at, you can also contact TM at 100 and select "Internet Services".We would like to thank you for your feedback and we look forward to serving you better.
Raja Nadia HidayuCustomer Care Support,
Internet Services,Customer Service Management,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bad Japanese Boss
it's happened so fast, im really cant believe it myself.
it's a termination without notice. im really have a bad day , bad time, bad experience with my japanese boss when im tendering my resignation letter. he keep saying be responsiblity, be a man, and he mentioned that 8 years in Malaysia, im the fastest person who giving such notice. Termination without serving notice. later he said he did not know what to do with me. im was like shock n cant things of anything but, 1 thing, i will pay the payment in liue of 1 month notice, tht's all.
my boss is really narrow minded, and he told my finance manager that he did not believe im got a new job. He thinks im want to quits because of he scolded me that day on tiny matter. im was like, HUH, how come he can come to this conclusion, i was so surprise when my finance manager told me in secretly.
so the last discussion, i wanted to know whether how much is my compensation needed to pay, but yet, he told me another thing. He will takes me to the Arbitration Court. Huh? i never heard of this thing also. really pissed off and he really scared me on it. but im believed that the contract never got mention about the legal action, but only payment in liue of notice.
after that, nothing much can be discuss, im just walked out and back home. back at home, i tooks out the contract and terms n condition copy, scan through every lines, every words, there are not legal actions.
at night, my finance manager called me, told me that there's not such legal action, she said my admin boss is insance and over already, she advise me just write another letter mentioning my current salary is used to set off the payment in liue of 1 month notice.
at 5.00pm, i have another discussion round with my japanese admin boss, this time, he report to big boss, project director. this round, he
Email to TM Nut
A called to 1-300-88-9515 technical assistance (TA) said my area is having the distruption, the streamyx service will be back on the next day.
On The next day Saturday 11 OCtober 2008, my streamyx is still down. i called again to TA and said Techician did not works on Sat n Sunday, so i have to waits until Monday.
on 12 OCtober 2008 Sunday, a report is being filed with TA.
my report number is 138 994 887 xx.
my problems: DSL light blinking. all trouble shooting is being done as told by TA.
my id login: xxxxxx
my mobile phone: 01x-xxxxxxx
since then, each time, everyday i called TA, i got the same asnwer. Cable is the problems, repairing works in the progress. 1st it's was mention the works will completed on 15 OCtober, but it's appearly did not.
on 15 October called TA, it's mention again the works will be completes on 18 October.
WHY MY STREAMYX IS STILL DOWN. TM Net as the BIG Brother in the broadband industry is giving such a SUCK service. the Technical assistance is helpless.
pls advise me, what should you have done, and what should i need to done to get my streamyx connected back.
how come your did not annouced in the newspaper saying that cable damaged, and streamyx in certain area is affected?
why keep me in the dark?
TOmolo is 20 October, my streamyx is down since 10 October, it's 10 days gap, many things i can not done during this period,
i can not pay my bills online,
i can not pay my car loan online,
i can not view my credit card online,
i can not communication with friends on important matter online,
i can not do research on my works at home online,
HOw your going to compensate me on this matter. this have damaged me in mentality, Can't your realised that YOUR STREAMYX Service is important to me?
lastly please advise me, when going to connect me back to online. Thanks.
Send on 19 October 2008 13.38.
-- Cheers
Vin Ann
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
15 Oct 2008
nothing better to do beside watching drama.
last night, wanted do research on the company that im going to attend for interview today, but i cant do it without my streamyx. so i take out my laptop AC adoptor, continue see whether i can connect back the wire or not.
it's seems easy after im dissect the wire. this have let me rethinks of my old time where im helping father installs TV attena, the copper wire is same shape with my laptop wire. and within second im managed to connect it nicely. 1 thing left is i need tape to "tapao" the wound, so that it's wont expose to outside environment.
This morning, wake up, have Oat breakfast and go out tapao nasi lemak. on my way back, the cleaner is seems so worried and scared. She told another cleaner that, someone have suicide. it's Chinese Male Adult. What the Hell... first case happened in my condo...
it's true. when im back to my condo, i go to the baucony and looks down. there's a guy lying down there...just now in the movie... patten as well... and his head got blood coming out.... they did not put any thing, or taken any actions. i guess the guard and the management office clerk are at shock. waiting for police and ambulance to come.
at 9.50am, when im going out for the interview, plain cloth police have arrived and newspaper is put on top of the victim, covering his face.
10.30am, i reached at the destination. it's another interview since im last changed job recently 5 months ago.
filling the application form. finished sharp at 11.00am. the interview is went smooth. with some expected questions and 1 hard questions.
What is your biggest mistake which cost your company during your employment.
answer: it's abit hard to answer, but im trying to turn it another round, it's mistake of almost cost delay of issuing account, but not cost the company loss money.
finished interview, back home, brought a 3M tape, and when im back, im tape the connection, and testing.
it's ON. viva... my lappie is back to life. i can on my lappie with just cost of RM4.00, and that how you can see me blogging in the Starbucks now.
before im come to Starbuck here, im actually planning to online from Old Town Kopitiam, Setapak Indah Branch, but to my dissapointment, there did not have wireless... and im found that there's only have 1 socket to plug.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i have done few mistakes in row today.
some of the mistake is silly mistake, can shoot me down.
some of the mistake is really fundamental mistake, shoot me down.
no one i can blame, but to blame myself.
what is the hell happening to myself?
maybe i can give find excuses to let me feel better.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
i should have go to the classes since mid of September, but i did not. i dun know why myself did not wanted to join the classes until this Tuesday.
it's was raining day, i got no other places go to beside bukit aman jogging around lake garden, so i decided to go for the classes.
it's was spinning classes. wow, im just loving it.
on Wednesday, i go for the classes again. it's was aeroboxing class. im enjoyed it too. but something is missing in aerobic class, i missed the feel back in Penang during my Diploma time... An open aerobic session joined by Public in field with loud PA system and we all do it together... it's was in Youth Park, every Wednesday or Thursday 5.00pm to 6.00pm.
that's where im learnt my basic of aerobic. i go no problems on the move now. today, i suppose go for the spinning class again, but i feel too tired, so just back home and rest.
Tomorrow, im looking forward tomolo classes which is cardio aerobic, hope it's what im wish for. the feel, the move, and sweat a lots.
OMG... with interest getting stronger with classes, how im keeping my pace with running? i thinks i still will running with a group of people on Saturday Morning 7.30am starting from Bukit Aman car park, nearby toilet n running around Lake garden.
Next Sunday, 19 October, it's Mizuno 10km Runs. it's will be testing time for me to see how's my training so far.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Broga Hill Hiking
Cam whoring experience on the hills, visit to Broga Stone temple and Broga famous Ikan Bakar is the activity from 4am to 1pm.
The story of Broga album will be up in a week time. :)
more pictures can be found on my facebook. the above description is taken from the organiser.
this was my first time joining them for the hiking. i have missed out their 4 outdoor activities which is back to back 4 week continous in September. Argh.....
Touch N Go
i was like WTF... how this could happened?
Really dissapointed.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Broga Hill Hike
The hill top is normally windy and refreshing and you hardly found a big tree to block your view. Whole trek will takes about 2hours.
Since we go for sunrise.
That means we gotta:
4.00 am - at Trail Trackers office TTDI, depart to cheras.
5.15 am - Cheras, after RM 0.50 tol, head to Kajang.
5.40 am - Kajang McD tabau breakfast.
6.00 am - depart to Broga Hills
6.25 am - Broga Hills, prepare to trek
6.30 am - Go Go Go
7.15 am - First summit, makan-makan, wait for sunrise (if lucky), free-and-easy time!!
After the trek, it should still be early, we can go visit the "stone datuk" temple then go for some makan at Broga.
1. Ikan Bakar Broga near "stone datuk" tample
2. 柚木園燒魚 Kedai Makanan Pokok Jati (got recommended in 8TV Ho Chak!) near Nottingham Uni (we will see this on the way we go to Broga)
3. Pan Mee & ABC in Broga village
All restaurants above start at 11am.
Things to bring/wear:
1. Head lamp / torch light, use before sunrise, a must. (as usual, i will prepare 1 extra torch light, who want it, let me know)
2. Energy supplement: chocolate, energy bar, banana etc
3. Water / 100 plus / UHT milk
4. Hat / sun block, for those who need it, since it's a botak hill
5. Long pants, for those who scare the long grass might scratch your beautiful legs :)
6. Rain coat / poncho, just in case, Malaysia whether! (disposable one only around rm3)
7. Camera
8. YOU !!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
九王爷 Ampang
wah, so many people. the situation is just like HK drama series showing the temple, everyone is lining up and want to "cha" 香....
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Hari Raya
it's today and tomolo.
it's public holiday.
it's Wednesday and Thursday.
with the 1 day leave which im applied yesterday, i got totally 5 days, wed, thurs, fri, sat and sun off day!!!
but im thinks im abit cant used with it. moreover, i did not back to Kedah. im just feel not going back to hometown. just stay in KL.
we have breakfast at the pasar and i have famous n tasty mee and also the taufu which is using natural water from hill to make it.
we start our journey to Cherating about 9.00am and we reached there around 10.30am. we checked into chalet which nearby to the beach, but we all too tired. we all sleep after have bath and sleep until 4.30pm.
4.30pm, we go out looks for lunch. it's so quite. i thinks it's because of Bulan Ramadan. no food is available within 5km, so we have to drive around to looks for food. then we come to Holiday Villa and have our lunch.
it's an expensive RM27 lunch!!! which is just an ordinary nasi lemak.
back to Chalet, we continue to sleep.
at night, we have seafood nearby our place. too bad, the crap is out of stock, all is being taken by the table next to us. after diner, we go to Club Med.
We go to Club Med, yes, it's correct, we go to Club Med and park our car at the gate and walks other direction opposite Club Med. haha. it's a Jabatan Perikanan if im not remember wrong.
it's a turtle protection centre and where we can see turtle come to shore to lay egg, if we were lucky. there is no people, other than us visiting the centre.
we watched few minutes VCD which shown to us by the person in charge there. after that, we asked them whether we got the chances to see any turtle come to shore to lay egg but the person in charge said chances is less likely. we also ask whether we can see the small turtle??
Yes, you can. You can after make some "donation" and your will be able to touch n take photos and lastly release them back to sea. we agreed, and im seeing turtle for real for the first time.

after release the turtle kid, we give RM20 as "donation" to save turtle.

yellow egg york, that what my friend describe and she said it's not always can see this kind of view. guess we were lucky this time.

it's me. haha...

Sg Lembing
this is my very first time driving to East Coast. im feel excited.
on this trip, we were planning to see sun raise on Sg Lembing Hill in the morning and after that head to Cherating Beach and Sunday back to KL.
we reached at Sg Lembing about 3.30am and we start to climb up the hill. it's mostly are staircase trail for us to climb up. According to my friend who used to climb the hill, normal person who fit needs about 20-45 minutes, depending on the speed, while our climb we tooks more than that because of 1 of our member do not have stamina, we climb and stop to waits for her.
while on this trip, im trying a few newly purchase item for use. one of it is Sanyo Rechargeable Eveloop battery which is used on my Canon antic Digicam A70 and also IKEA LED lights which act as my touch light for me while climb up hill.
we reached on top of the hill at 4.30am and there is 2 hours gap before we can see the sun raise. so tired and try to sleep but hardly can falls in sleeps. we joke, we walking around and we joke again.
finally at 6.30am we start to see lights!!! im just enjoy it most.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
As this is my first time running around, im started as beginner stage. the run is short, but im hardly can catch up. my stamina is tested to the limits.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
it's been 1 week passed.
so many things happened. mostly un-happy, pissed off, specially on last friday.
on morning, RPK is being arrested under ISA... no more hold no barred stories.
then at night, the sin chew reporter who reports on "pendatang" also arrested under ISA. Police reasoning is, based on their information, the life of the reporter is under thread.
then the last 1 is teresa kok, seputeh MP who was arrested on her way back home from a function at 11.30pm. im only know this when im brought newspaper on Saturday morning. WTF... never got saw Teresa comment anything also, she also kena ISA...
perhaps, if im using harsh abit the wording, im also will be kena ISA... ???
on this Saturday morning, i have COD to get my running shoe. Saucony.
on afternoon, i went to service my car. it's 30k km service already. i claimed a new disc brake (rotor).
on evening, i went to my friend house in puchong joining the mooncake lucky port gathering. im very enjoy it.
on sunday, 914
i and my friends went to Puchong eat Yong Tau Fu. before that, we went to the Giant Bandar Puteri where my friend want to stock pile up for the coming 916... i thought only im who kiasu, kiasi... last week im already stock up some biskuts. Whereares my fellow friend, he is so kiasu and kiasi than me, he brought around RM200 of food, namely mineral water, express cup mee, biskut and milo. at that movement, i feel im nothing compared with him. im give up to buy anything on that day.
working as usual. at night, there is a massive gathering / rally in the petaling jaya stadium, did not bother which stadium...
nothing is happening.
guess, the rumour speculated is just to scare people like me... *sweat...
looking for the for the coming days...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Jaguar XF

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Penang Bridge Run


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

i found it's so cute and lucky im not so desperate want to own it or give as gift to people.
The Carebears above is not available in Malaysia, they all are brought into Msia from Singapore. haha...
Monday, September 01, 2008
30 Aug 2008
today it's Saturday. 1 day before Merdeka. Everyone is busy with their planned activities while im got no any program. so i decided to join my senior's gathering which is happened at PV10, newest condo in Setapak area.
it's my senior's new house. she brought it two years ago and this year May she moved into her new house and stay with her sister. She now already afford to buy a RM188,000 condo while im got nothing.
it's been quite long since Penang's TAR College i did not meet with my senior. the first thing my senior ask me when im reached at her house is about life in KL. their conclusion is : BORING.
so they want to find out from me, whether my life is BORING too or is it whether is only their problems or it's KL's life is BORING. haha...
Various of question is being throwed out and being answered. their conclusion, my life is BORING same as them. Another senior come, also being asked the same question and also got the same conclusion.
Anyways, we have a great homecook diner which is cooked by my senior. Got chicken, pork, soup, vegatable... after that got dessert and fruits. it's quite full.
after that we chit chat... until 12.30am then only left.
it's a great gathering. im enjoyed it.
29 Aug 2008
i left my home around 6.30pm and able to reach at Putrajaya around 7.30pm. there was no any road block all the way to PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre). i believe the road block will be set up after 8.00pm which will defer people from driving car up to PICC.
even im reached which im consider very early, i failed to get a nice spot, i mean a nice sport for my friend "tom yam" to place his DSLR camera. after 5-6 minutes, he reached as well. we together find nice spot.
eh, i saw Rukawa there as well. so surprise. he already place his DSLR there and there got space for us.
my friend got his space small tripod and offer to lend me to use. hmmm... initially i was reject it, as i thinks my camera A70 Canon un-able to shoot nice pictures. anyways, im just give my try to shoot it with the tips from him teach me how to fine tune the camera functions and setting.
this is the tripod that im using!!

we have about 2 hours time to spare. so i try and adjust my setting and pose for the nice sport.
when the fireworks is started, i just keep shooting. im so worried about the batter life as im used it to shoot video for other fireworks day and never chance new. im just keep pressing and praying i can shoot nice pictures. The final result, im so happy and glad with it. im so happy. my antic Digicam A70 able to shoot this kind of pictures... horey...

Thursday, August 28, 2008
all my badminton session is cancelled due to many is take advantage of this long holiday to go back hometown.
my Thursday and Saturday session are cancelled. at the mean time, my friend suddenly asked me want to borrow my badminton racket. so i lend to her.
but now, when want to get back from her or wait her to pass my badminton racket back to me, it's so hard. Yesterday got heavy rain, it's ok that she can not come here. today she works late. Tomorrow i thinks she also will be working late or im not at home as im heading to the Putrajaya for the fireworks.
then the only time left is Saturday 30 Aug 2008. hope i can get back my badminton racket on Saturday.
MCMC The Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission blocking people website so efficient, while to ensure other ISP internet quality is so in-efficient.
scuk big time...
MCMC never able to open up the last mile for other ISP to tap on the broadband, making TM Nut is monopoly about 95% market of the broadband in the country.
*ai... why im just making myself life so difficulties. i thinks im better stop commenting else im will be kena with Section 263 of the Communications and Multimedia Act.
im really hopes that the HSBB (high speed broadband) can really implemented by the right person, with best technology, and definately not Telekom.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Fireworks @ Canada team

another picture which im grad from my friend.
the coming friday Grand finale really makes me headache.
10.00pm start, but to be able drive into PICC, it's better reach there by 8.00pm.
i finished my works at 5.00pm.
should i go back home and bath n change and come out or i should have just drive to Putrajaya from my working place?
Friday evening is a very terible traffic jamm movement, some more it's Big Long holiday since Merdeka Holiday is falls on the Monday which is to replace Sunday.
Monday, August 25, 2008
i thinks last weekend im sleep late and wake up late making my monday morning feel hard to wake up. Some more i went to watch fireworks at Putrajaya at night, 11.30pm reached home, yet still online until 12.30am only go to bed.
this morning, planning to have breakfast in office and skip my usual Oat + nescafe breakfast at home.
when im reached at the parking, walked out, and wanted to take out my wallet, i realised that i din bring my wallet out today.
and it's 7.40am already. i have to get my wallet today. i dun know i just know i need my wallet. so without hesitate, i drive back home and called to office saying i will be late.
i back at office around 9.10am and start busy working. busy whole day. my finance manager still not yet back from holiday.
then suddenly i realised i need go to Bank to get the money so i follows driver go to bank. OMG, it's need my IC, lucky i got my IC with me. refresh back, if i din go back home take my wallet, today i can not take money. *sweat*
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fireworks @ 20 Aug 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008
16 Aug 2008
16 Aug 2008.
it's was a busy and full schedule day.
morning, i went to join Cari Forum's badminton gang playing badminton at Wangsa Maju Pro-One court. it's quite good experience can meets with new friends playing badminton together.
affer badminton session, went back home bath and get change then come out to Time Square to watch movie with friends together.
after movie, we yam cha at Old Town Kopitiam before we went for diner at some where nearby the bulatan Kg Pandan Western food.
after diner, we heads to Putrajaya for the fireworks. we start our journey around 8.08pm using the KL - Putrajaya Highway and it's was fast. within 20 minutes we got exit the toll. As this is my first time using KL-Putrajaya Highway, im just following the PICC signbroad and it's leads me to the PICC directly, surprisingly we just follow the front car to enter into the PICC. i never thought of entering into the PICC... but very lucky we can drives inside.
we got passby the Bridge, the main fireworks firing place, saw a lots of people sitting in the field. Too bad, i din bring my own camera that day.
it's was my first time entering into the PICC and we stand right in front of the bridges. i thinks i need to go to low yat search for the pictures for it...

Saturday, August 16, 2008
给Ah WanG,

it's was from someone who suddenly joined and spam with us. Guess she is happy can spam with us during her limited time available to online.
wish her all the best in her career and life.
Lee Chong Wei
the RTM 1 got showing living at 6.30pm and im managed to reach home at 6.00pm, leaving office at 5.30pm.
Congratulation to him. Malaysia Boleh-land is guarantee get a silver already.
Washing Machine Vs 20Cents
so much of water is being wasted before im realise it. Sigh. this time i tried quite hard, few times also the coin can not come out. im wondering how im doing it 1st time.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition 2008

- Sample from Last Year. Borrowed from Low Yat Forum.
Yesterday is the first day of the Malaysia International Fireworks Competition 2008 (MIFC).
it's started yesterday and will be end on 29 Aug 2008.
The Ministry of Tourism will again host the Malaysia International Fireworks Competition this August in Putrajaya. Renowned world-class Fireworks Teams from around the world will compete for the 'Golden Merdeka Trophy'. The Ministry has announced that there will not be any Tickets sold this year at the Event. The event is Free for All! Speakers will be installed at the public viewing locations, enabling the spectators to enjoy the 'Musical Firework Displays'. Entrance to PICC is Free.
For two weeks in August, the skies over Putrajaya are to be lit up by a series of pyrotechnics displays. The pyrotechnic artistry will be different from regular fireworks shows as this one is meticulously choreographed to music.
For 25 minutes on each competitive night, the maestros of the night will AWE spectators with breathtaking presentations of FIRE, LIGHT with MUSIC. Prior to the final night, a judging panel of international and local celebrities will select a winner. Although a prestigious award will be presented to the victorious team, their true prize is audience delight.
The highlight of the Event is a reverberating, GRAND FINALE which will be jointly designed and produced by last year winner Howard & Sons and MIFC Producer Joe Ghazzal. The theme decided on the Finale is "Colors of Malaysia". You do not want to miss the World Class Finale Presentation on the 29th of August.
The competition, last year, drew an average of 350,000 to 400,000 live audiences to PUTRAJAYA each competition night, breaking all time record in attendance. Total numbers attended including international and domestic tourist for 2 weeks was estimated at whopping 3.5 Million people.
Aug 12 - Malaysia Team
Aug 16 - China Team
Aug 20 - Canada Team
Aug 24 - Spain Team
Aug 29 - Grand Finale
im going to visit all of it...
Yesterday night's fireworks, got some innovative. at least some of the fireworks i first time see it. or else, "boring".