Friday, January 27, 2006
Happy Chinese New Year
so tomolo, i will off line for 1 weeks plus...
see ya my fren...
Thursday, January 26, 2006
1 weeks
that how long i'm going off the net...
life without net, i dare not imaging how i'm going go through this 1 week...
29 nights
will reach home Serdang Kedah in the early morning...
no rest, have to helping parents.
diner with whole family...
Get ang pau... hehe
chu 1
stay home, waiting relative to visits, or go out find fren together visit house to each others...
and gain some ang pau...
chu 2
going to mother's side grandma house...
at there for 1 day, back to home at night... this day will be my most happiest day
chu 3
nothing to do.
chu 4
nothing to do. unless go to travel.
chu 5
nothing to do. unless got car to Penang loh..hope got car, then i can go to Penang find friend to have my favourite Chicken chop at CAREME tg Bungah.
chu 6,7
nothing to do.
chu 8
back to KL. tomolo working.
Chu 9
if also free with 1 photo album which cost Rm2.50 for every 80 photo developed. i develop137 photos...
browser through my pictures, and i found that the night pictures was blur... especially from my camera... while my fren's digicam Isus 7.1Mega pixel is very NICE>.. while day time pictures, my digicam quality is not bad as my fren one... sama-same taraf...
it give me time of rethinks what i'm doing normally during this time.
i was always sit in front of PC, listening to music, bloging like now, and surfing...
and also doing question on my desk...
pay bills, electricity, telekom, astro, water, management fees for the condo, all used up money... it's seem my turnover very high, and i have to well keep my cash flow...
and my cash flow have become the lowest point than ever it be.
my 1st salary... is in form of checks... today it was spotted by my semi-senior who also start working same days as me... she told me about this...
but sadly, the checks not yet sign, can not bank in...
either i will only get my 1st paid on this Sat o in Feb...
we only realised it in afternoon when it already too late...
i have to go through this night...
no electricity for 1 night... all my things is paused... have to delay.
wanted to wash cloths, can not do.
online chatting, can not online.
Listen to music, boils hot water for my favourite nescafe, watching astro, no light to eat...
all things can not do.
i only can do nothing but rest.
Eating, bath and resting under candle light... it's hot at 1st, lucky my condo not to low... i still can sleep comfortable for whole night... except my roomate.
he like have a bad dream, screening, and making noisy...
the reasons behind no electricity is the amount is outstanding for about 4-5 months. i can not remember for how long... but there is 1 lump sum amount own. i really pits off...wanted to caci the people who din pay the bills while i'm not in msia. but some how i can not blame the ppl. as me, myself partly also got the reasponsibility...
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
i budget around 100 pictures plus...
now is already 12.25am... hope i can finished pick pictures of Scotland trip. Rest i already picked...
still have another 15 pictures to pick for...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
CNY is coming... i suddenly thinks of wanted to buy Gua Gan to bring back home. then i thought i may need to line up long que just to buy the thing...
tht 1 thing, another 1 is i wanted to develop my UK and Europe pictures... to bring back home, so that every1 can see what's i'm doing during UK 3 months and 1 months plus travelling...
the only time i left is after working hours. that is not sure when is the time. today i back home at 9.20pm. not sure tomolo and also on thurday...
time is getting lesser and i also need to pack... and also wash my cloths b4 back home... so many things need to be done yet so less time available...
Bak Kut Teh
then he suggest go to eat Bak Kut Teh... which is very famous 1 at jalan Ipoh beside the Dynasty hotel. then we went there... the whether is quite cold, as it got raining just now...
we were eating hot bak kut teh, feeling so nice... drink china tea... wo... very enjoy. never eat Bak Kut Teh in this situation... cold whether and hot food, what a great match.
1st time og lunch, ate Pan Mee. the shop located behind the HSBC building there... very nice, but the price is abit expensive.
2nd time which is today, we all 1 gang, together with another gang of colleague who works at next block of building having lunch together...walked to sg wang's food court. i never been to there before... and also never know sg wang got food court like this...
today, whole day doing transaction testing... vouching... 25 samples... checked to invoices, receipts... at last, the sales invoices even worse for other subsidiary... it's jump all over the places... file 1, 2, 3, 4... total of 4 files i have to look through...
after helping colleague, it's my turn to do my own works. now i in charged of 2 companies. a very small company... and i look through last year audit file and found out that a lots of things i first time doing it... tomolo will be start doing it...
Sunday, January 22, 2006
clean house, wash cushion...
CNY is coming.
no where to go, just need to go out buy calculator.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
just now went back from KLCC, i saw 1 kancil make an U turn at faulty traffic light, and the traffic cop is instruct the driver to stop at side...whose know the driver ignore the instruction. just went off... the cop seem very unhappy with it. he took his motor can chase the kancil... i thinks the kancil driver can not excape from the cop leh... and RM300 sure kena...
Kui Lou
at first nothing happen. but i can see a lots of Kui Lou and Kui Mui working in the office.
it was meeting between auditors and person in chare with the boss. i'm not part of the meeting as i'm only act in little functional auditor i would call myself. haha...
the meeting was quite long. do not know what happening. the purpose of meeting is to speaks up outstanding matters and enquire some figures as i know from other colleagues.
auditor speaks up what is outstanding in front of boss and the person in charge have to give the information immediately. it's so effective. while due to some communications problems, there are some misunderstood between 1 auditor and one person in charge. While others there is nothing outstanding.
1st time, learn something from this. Communication is very important between auditor and client.
so fast, i already working for 3 weeks lioa...
last night got farewell diner with colleagues. farewell for 3 colleague sekaligus...
1 is going to singpore
2 plan to commercial
3 is big4 msia.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
2nd call from office, manager wanted us back to office, pull out from the current job, and back to office for another new job.
3rd call from office again, senior was required to back office today to clear the adjustment needed to make.
start from 1st call, our mood was distrupted. thinking i can back to office tomolo, how nice was it. anyways, i still need to works now. while the 2nd call is quite shock, as we are asigned to audit this company for 2 weeks. whose know today the 3rd day of working, and now we are pulling back this jobs, only will come back to this company after CNY. Works is half done. Some works can not be done due to client not yet finished preparing the information.
when the 3rd call in, senior told me to start packing, as she need back office works n wanted to back home early as soon as possible.
i cant imaging this, i'm going off at 5.23pm.... the earliest ever. this good situation will not happen again in future, specially for coming weeks b4 the CNY. Weekend i thinks i will be required back to office to works.
had diner with friend at 7.30pm. 1st time, since i start works. everyday i ta pau back home to have my diner. now i can diner with friend. so nice. hope there will be more chances to diner with friends.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
the office was hot, poor lighting, all this is due to some part of the office facing power failure... internal problems, not a Tenaga problems.
i was looking at files, seacrhing for transactions i wanted, 10 mintures, 20, 30 40 it pass so fast and i never realise it. i manage to finished it and come down to broadroom where air con and light is good.... so relief....
it become more relief when senior said start packing... yeah... just now so tired, no time to rest and now is going back... so excited. with tireness body, i went back home.
i thinks of wanted to call friends to have diner, but it's too late, i'm already pass their area... next time ony find them...
at night, i suddenly wanted to buy RingRing card online. so i just brought it. whose know the e-banking is fail... the payment is sucessful but the pin i can not get it. PIN ERROR. Shit... how come this can happen? my Rm20 going lioa...
Called the customer service, and i have to wait within 3 days to get some 1 to call back me to give me the RingRing card pin number. shit lah... so long i have to wait.
finally i manage to do some parts of the question. 1 day 1 question. suggestion by friend. hope i can start from here...
the office was hot, poor lighting, all this is due to some part of the office facing power failure... internal problems, not a Tenaga problems.
i was looking at files, seacrhing for transactions i wanted, 10 mintures, 20, 30 40 it pass so fast and i never realise it. i manage to finished it and come down to broadroom where air con and light is good.... so relief....
it become more relief when senior said start packing... yeah... just now so tired, no time to rest and now is going back... so excited. with tireness body, i went back home.
i thinks of wanted to call friends to have diner, but it's too late, i'm already pass their area... next time ony find them...
at night, i suddenly wanted to buy RingRing card online. so i just brought it. whose know the e-banking is fail... the payment is sucessful but the pin i can not get it. PIN ERROR. Shit... how come this can happen? my Rm20 going lioa...
Called the customer service, and i have to wait within 3 days to get some 1 to call back me to give me the RingRing card pin number. shit lah... so long i have to wait.
finally i manage to do some parts of the question. 1 day 1 question. suggestion by friend. hope i can start from here...
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Since i back to KL, Telekom, Streamyx, Astro, Water are facing warning about the late payment.
Telekom, kena cut once...
Streamyx also once
Astro, Twice
Water once
and now electricity facing warning letter.
i'm really fed up with my fren's fren. He never paid any single money for the bills. when the services is cut, then only he paid, that is because others housemate pressure him to paid. if not he not even brother to pay. why, why, why this kind of people exist in the world?
with the payment being made, now it's back to normal track. no more outstanding amount shown in the bills.
aiks, my showroski's crystal now left redundant. not knowing what to do next step. mine 1 is bigger and shining, while other 1 is smaller but they gave it faster than me.
i feeling like i'm falling from very high, dropped to valley from top of the hill. really wanted to find something to concentra on, but i got nothing to do at that movement.
at night, every1 is seem very busy. either got class tomolo, can not come out, sick, need to study for the exam, outstation to Langkawi, tired... all kind of reasons i got from friends. i still have few other friends, but i din call them out. afraid of they might be busy.
You Are 21 Years Old
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
yesterday night, my fren from Utar asked me to fill in questionaire... then i filled in for her.
so mah fan her questionaire.
1st have to download from mail, then open the words file, answer it, and save...
after that, have to attach the file and sent back to her...
anyways, i really help her to forwards to my friends. Jessy, GH, SP, Pat, KY, Swei they all filled in... thanks a lots.
any1 still want to fill in the questionaire? the final date for this is this friday... that is tommorrow. too bad, u got no chance to fill in the questionaire lioa...
anyways, it's about online payment. quite hard for my friends who are currently studying, as they rarely o never make online payment before, except AirAsia air tickets.
talks about AirAsia, i never buy tickets online before, while in UK, i brought so many times. One Pound Bus tickets, Cheap air tickets, find trains schedule and also price, booked EuroStar ticket. All are brought online. really convenience. Do not know when this day will come in Malaysia?
Hope, after many days, weeks and months of working, i can go to somewhere vocation and enjoy the life... recharge myself...
1st time go out audit, the client office is very nearby only... only 10 minutes walks o few minutes by taxi.
2nd, it was today went to Sg Buluh. so far the place, and also very hulu.
3rd, it is tomolo, going to Port Klang. another far place...
4th...? next week... ?
5th...? next week and next week?
6th...? this week sure got no place to go, but is Chinese New Year... Back to Hometown Serdang Kedah...
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
now my casing is like ice cool... YEAH... it's quite irratating, since got so big fan blowing my casing...
![]() The show has notched up its 7,468th performance |
The 7,468th performance of the award-winning show in New York overtook the record set by Cats, another of Lord Lloyd-Webber's shows.
The 57-year-old said he was finding the "overwhelming" fact hard to take in.
The musical, which premiered in London in 1986, has been seen by more than 80m people worldwide.
The show was premiered two years earlier at London's Her Majesty's Theatre.
"There is no formula for success in musical theatre. It's just one of those things - it happened," he told BBC News 24.
"So I don't really know...I think it's a primal tale, it's highly romantic. I think most people feel there's something about themselves that they'd like to alter in their physical appearance and perhaps they relate to the phantom for that reason.
The show's producer Sir Cameron Mackintosh said: "The musical is a kind of beauty-and-the-beast story. It appeals to everyone because it is about an impossible love, which I think many of us have had."
'Extraordinary' feat
The musical is also the most successful entertainment venture of all time, with worldwide box office takings of more than $3.2bn (£1.8bn).
This greatly exceeded the $1.2bn (£670m) taken by Titanic, the world's highest-grossing movie.
Over 65,000 performances of Phantom of the Opera have been staged in 119 cities in 24 countries.
The only thing that has hit me is it's an achievement I'll never be able to top
"The extraordinary thing which is a bit overwhelming is that it's my own show that I'm taking the record off, which I never thought would happen to me in my career at all," Lord Lloyd-Webber said.
"The only thing that has hit me is it's an achievement I'll never be able to top."
A gala performance on Monday took place, followed by a masked ball at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel attended by original star Michael Crawford.
Lord Lloyd-Webber's ex-wife Sarah Brightman, the first singer to play female lead Christine, was unable to attend the event due to recording commitments.
Phantom of the Opera opened in January 1988 with a then-record advance of $18m (£10m) - but Lord Lloyd-Webber said he could not have guessed the scale of its US success.
"One could sense it from the moment it got in front of an audience in any form that there was something about it that was a bit special," he said.
"It wasn't the same as any of the other shows I've been involved with because I've never had another show where I've had my wife in it."
Lord Lloyd-Webber added that he wanted British TV presenter and singer Cilla Black to perform at New York's prestigious cabaret venue Cafe Carlyle.
"I'm just trying to get her to say yes," he said. "I think everybody would absolutely fall in love with her and she'd be the toast of New York instantly."a walk around Low Yat Plaza today, make me realise that the jobs i need to do on my PC is not as what i expected. i have to back home and open PC casing and check for few things before i can begin my Fan changing project.
now it is confirmed. just matter of when i going to buy the fan and change it myself. there are also got a lots of model of fan which i can choose from. from a relative cheap of Rm12 until Rm50. the more expensive have the better technology, like fan turbo, which have more number of wings compared to cheaper which have less wings.
somehow i still need to reconfirm with my friends. thinks is so easy, but to do it, really take a lots of determination...
Monday, January 09, 2006
i asked her about PF, and she know, and she also attended interview before. Followed by RM and HW. i got no much time to ask more about this. but i definately knowing i had made a right choice to works on current firm. hehe...
finally, i can put down my last pieces of rock in my heart lioa... Grow with me, MR.
i sendiri also so surprise when i get back to home...
there was a laughing sound from my room. there were 2 guy in my room. 1 sure definately is my roomate loh... another leh... ?
i thinks is his friend. it's ok to have 2 guys in 1 room, but the main concern is... ...
quite hard to say it out leh...
they were sleeping together in single bed. i should expected this when my roomate asked about this saying, he sometime got friend come over and stay overnight.
whose know, it's really happen today...
happy holiday tomolo. going out tomolo to buy present for friend. and also have a nice rest, before the really peak come...
today back home, quite early about 7.30pm. hehe
Saturday, January 07, 2006
on Friday, the management cut my house water supply, reason is the owner own management for outstanding of over Rm500. i was informed by housemate saying the water was cut.
aiks, have to ask housemate to settle parts of the bill. if not, tonight when back to home, have to go to friend house to take bath. Lucky it was settled on the spot with the help of housemate.
Since back to KL, this house really give me a lots of problems. 1st is Streamyx service was cut, then settle the bill, reconnected. it follow with the Telekom house fixed line, which the bills have 2 months outstanding, again go to settle the bill. what else can be cut leh, there is still one more, Astro. it also kena cut, because of the outstanding amount for 2 months also. again, paid the bill online and within 24 hours get back transmition.
it's really hard to trust of friends to settle the bills. My beloved friend who stay in my room while i'm in UK, did not even care about settle the bills. Leave a lots of trouble to me! My clear and good record now is polluted by him...
so sad, it will takes time to recover back my good credit records.
1st week
for the 1st 2 days, it was quite relax, reading audit file and preparing for the audit on the 3rd day.
Went to client office to do audit. 1st audit on 3rd day. i was thinking last time training in small audit firm, i waited for so many days, weeks, months to go out audit. Some more i only do audit at client place once during 3 months training.
really excited to do the audit. While on the other hand, there are lots of thing which is new to me. so many things i do not know. have to always ask my semi-senior, senior also... haha
working around 6pm for the 1st audit, bcoz senior wanted to attend class. while i'm back to office to finish some works. i was carry box bag walking back to office as it very near. works in office until 7.30pm. second day audit, we worked until 8.45pm only back home...
Going back home time is getting late day by day...
Maybank, the service is not available, Hong Leong Bank not know what happen. maybe weekend the reason. updating file. Public bank more worse, do not have any cash deposit machine service avialable nearby. For your information, they now only have 4 cash deposit machine available in 4 branches. i was thinking, Public Bank is the Best Bank in Malaysia, so many awards they get, how come they can not afford to install cash deposit machine in every branch just like Maybank the Big Brother.
this lead to me thinking of switch all my money to Maybank but Maybank will charged me at 5th withdrawal for RM0.50 per withdraw. aiks... Other banks charge annual fee of RM8 regardless number of withdrawal.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Roommate M1
Housemate M2
i got 2 housemates and 1 roomate. total 4 people staying 1 house... roomate is new, moved in on 16 Dec. while S1 just back from Singapore training recently. now start Uni back.
S1 told me that, his friends also found training in Singapore, and got paid salary. when they go to singapore authority to apply working permits, they kena rejected. who i asked... because they got paid... then ur training do not have paid 1? he reply YES... Wo, Singapore govt really smart... welcome trainee who have to fork out money to work! Get paid training Get loss...
M2, he back to hometown during New year. nothing special happen.
finally come to M1. he very pelik, opposite with normal people. before i start works, i know it clear on what her doing... he seem do need to worry about classes that need to attend. can whole day staying at home. night only go out for diner. from morning until evening, he only do 1 thing.... that is Sleep.
while he active at night... from the time he wake up until the next day 6am.
recently more Keng, wiht S1 stay awake until 7am, the time i wake up.
last night, the door opened at 3am, hearing he playing games outside, with laughing sound S1. then again 6am. they laugh together...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
changing mindset
just before the day start works, my friends told me his plan on his study plan for ACCA. he will only take Intensive class for the core papers during May. he said, when u finished works, you will be tired, and cant absord any knowledge teach during class. why dun you study urself.
i can feel his meaning for the last 2 days. quite tired back to home. even i do not have OT. tomolo is real working day. will do audit.
feeling dissapointed with myself. i'm changed!
Monday, January 02, 2006
he called me this morning and ask me to go to the shop have a looks. wah... so many things broken. Bearing, rod, pistol and etc, total got about 20 things plus... and it sum up cost me RM550. wah... really major maintenance.
old motor about 5 o 6 years need spare parts replacement. it happen to me today.
back home, iron my working shirt... online, watch tv... i'm thinking if can not get the motor by today, tomolo working i have to take LRT to works. long long time do not take public transport. suddenly feel like very troublesome to take public transport. time consuming and it's expensive. i mention this bcoz i only need 10 min plus to get to work and it save me a lots with motor.
at evening the mechanic called me said the motor is ready! so fast. i thought it will only done tomolo. ai...seem i have to pay lump sum today, not tomolo.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
New Resolution
- Pass my ACCA exam.
- Learn as much as i can during work.
- Take good care of my teeth. Prevent another lost of teeth.
- Reduce weight.
- Get a girl friend.
Challenge stay a head
- Study and works at the same time.
- Works pressure
- Study pressure
- Short of time
- Time management.
- Works Overtime.
- Study hard, play hard.
- Every Sunday play badmintion with friends.
- Gym.
- Squash.
- Dating.
31 December 2005
quite busy for the morning. i went to TBR photostate something, buy pen and after that i shop for my supply at carrefour... so many people at there. quickly grad the things i want and heading to counter pay money and leave.
i went to motor shop to ask about motor meter. asking how much to replace it. cost Rm80 for non-original meter, and it's give the in-accurate reading for fuel meter. But what i wanted is KM meter. it's come together, and have to change together. while the original meter is cost about Rm200 plus... shit, gila man, so expensive. i rather do not want to claim my travelling allowance just to fix the meter, it is very hard to breakeven.
on the other side, i ask the mechanic to check for my engin. my engin recently produce some abnormal sound. the mechanic listen to the sound and know what's my engin problems. the bearing have to be changed and need to open the whole engin. and need about 1 day to fix it. aiks...
i didnt fix it, as i thinks i might use motor later. i'm feeling very down about this. very unhappy. got no others program until midnight. stay home online...chatting. feel no excited with the new year.

1st January 2006

Bye bye 2005, welcome 2006.
i managed to take this just before the fireworks end at KLCC. taken from Jalan Tun Razak.