Wednesday, May 04, 2005

back to Hometown

today wake up at 6.30am... prepare back to hometown...
i smsed her to whether want to have breakfast together... but time not allowed...
as i'm only reach masjid jamek at 8.30am... take bas at jln genting kelang at 7.40am...
very jammed...!
i saw the couple in the bus... wah.... stay together and now working together...
she cant make i have to eat breakfast at Mcdonald alone... many working class ppl walking around masjid jamek...
and also got lots of illegal hawker... selling nasi lemak, roti, mi hun, mee goreng...
u named it u get it !
so ordered Mc moffin egg... and have my breakfast...
read newspaper and eat.... i only leave the Mcd at my bus is 10am...

I was sweating along the way I walked towards Pudu station. Ai..part of pudu station in renovation! It’s feel nice… but still very hot. The air is trapped there… while waiting tissue by tissue I use… so hot and I’m keep sweating…

The bus come late 5 minutes due to 2 TRANSNATIONAL bases block the way my bus into the platform… and I sweating more 5 minutes… after boarding, immediately sit under the cool air con. My bas only leaving pudu station on 10.45am…which in between from 10.05 to 10.45am the driver waiting for the last minutes customers… ai…so sien leh… have to wait… so miss the old day… when I take PlusLiner which come early and go on time although there are few customers… but it have a drawback that is normal buses 4 sitting… not spacious as VIP sit the one I took now.

Ok…it tooks about 5 hours to reach destination Parit Buntar which is half hours car journey from my home. For bus, it needs about 45 min. I have to take another bus to reach my home. While waiting for the bus come, I’m sweating again… even more sweat than the 1 in pudu… so hot… and no wind also … the bus station is like a dead station… so few activities and people. I should not laugh tolo last time… as his hometown also very hot. Now is my turn to experience the hot weather…

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