Wednesday, March 24, 2010

adiNation of Runners

Event: adiNation of Runners
Venue: Lake Garden, KL
Date: 24 March 2010, Wednesday
Time: 6.30pm
Distance: 3 loops
Timing: 55 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6

i have not running since the Bareno Run on 14 march 2010 and im also have not blogged about my run, which im feel satisfy with my condition given im facing some knee injury, knee pain while running. Im also can not accepting the fact im having an injury on my legs... 

So trying to rest but the Energizer Night Race is coming! i must run in the evening... 

Today run, i was with adiNation of Runners which lead by Ronnie, PM1... Its been quite long long time i did not run with them... argh... i want to get adiNation chop! Chopped enough 30 chop can redeem a FOC adidas vest with a big word "adiNation of Runner" printed on the vest... i want it... 

Today target is to restart my engine and feel the hot... im have not run for 1,2...10 days.. shit really 10 days no running, and today run back is suffering...and specially in the humid and hot weather... 

Running for 55mins, with most of it slow run mixed with some walking... im feel good, my knee feel good, just the usual muscle pain due to lack of warming up... and oh yeah... Adidas vest for Energizer Night Race is too small for me... Guess i wont be wearing it for the run... 

Im prepare to die for the Energizer Night Race...  

at least i prepared myself... 
at least i try... 

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