Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mizuno Wave Run 2009

Event: Mizuno Wave Run 2009
Venue: Stadium UPM, Selangor
Date: 25 October 2009
Time: 7.30am
Distance: 11km
Timing: 70 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
By vin_ann

i wake up around 4.30am and have 2 slide of bread and come out to fetch my friend around 5.15am.
Reached at friend house around 5.30am and we off to UPM Serdang Selangor using Plus highway.

we were reached there around 6.00am and i take the main entrance route, take wrong exit, else should have able to reach Stadium directly. i was taking the yesterday route and need to turn left and right... i notice got quite a lots of people / car were parked at side road, asking for direction how to get to Stadium UPM...

when we reached the stadium, its already have a lots of car parked at the side road, lucky my car was not too far from Stadium entrance.

Walking around the stadium, do some warm up... and also go try the free sample for sport drinks at GNC counter and also power bar.

***** wrote since yesterday, but unable to finish it, continue now *****

Mizuno Wave really wave... give the size of the stadium with about 4,000 people, its quite pack.
around 7.30am, siren was hon! people were start walking for the back while front people were running...

im tried to run and its took a lots more energy to brace though the human traffic jammm...
nothing much i can do, just run slow...
run... 1st was the downhill, since its downhill, im sprint from the side, on the grass but also need to be extreme careful as scare of uneven surface might twist my legs...

1 hill is over, uphill, im like the scenery where we were running beside the ERL lane... the ERL come quite passing us... its so nice...

another hill come and another hill... hill by hill... i cant go fast and also i got no 1 to target with or pace with... suddenly i thinks of i can have my own imagery target who were running front not far from me, im just need to increase my speed bit by bit to chase up my "imagery target"...

its works for a while for me and im almost want to stop when have another high hill, and out of sudden there was an white hair uncle whose speed is constant and slow going up hill... without second thought, i pace with him... yeah... we overtook many people while going up hill...

after uphill, its downhill, im just sprint and i left the uncle far behind... i continue to run and turn into the garden back to our original route but reverse direction back to stadium...

im trying to set my 'imagery target' back in mind and continue to run faster but im just cant run faster... from far, saw another uphill in front of me, im just feel flat... but im try not to walk...

"imagery target" not working for the movement and im follow my heart and run on my own pace... uphill, im slow yet im still able to overtake people... feel happy in heart...

on the final uphill, its so tough, i run up to 90% and give myself 2 minutes of walking rest and after that i sprint for the finishing line...

i managed to cross the line at 70mins... yeah...

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