Here's the photo of Master plan from previous post. Kinrara Residence by Mah Sing
Today - Saturday 9 April 2011 is the official launching of the Mah Sing ClubHouse.
A lots of programs arranged!
Be there!
There's also fireworks!
Its about 7 months ago since Mah Sing first lunches their project Kinrara Residence and now there's a road leading to Semi Detached houses show houses and ClubHouse !
2 ways road leading to the ClubHouse & Semi-Detached show houses. Drive slow, ya.
The entrance of Palmiera.
The Club House! Its completed within 7 months!
The 2 storey semi-D show house! You must go inside and see the interior design! Its AWESOME!
The specification of the 2 Storey Semi D house!
You can build this with your neighbor ! Its awesome! Its all about lifestyle !
If the 2 storey Semi D show house already AWESOME, the 3 storey Semi D house even have the MORE AWESOME factor! haha...
The specification of 3 storey Semi D.
This will be the empty land between you and your neighbor.

The 3 Storey Semi-D house! Its so nice!
The model of semi detached houses...
No doubt, Kinrara Residence going to be a lifestyle residential area.
At the movement, the sale office is now located at the Club House, you can book your dream house @ Mah Sing Kinrara Residence Club House.
Happy shopping!
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